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Too much time on my hands
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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:52 am
Posts: 1107
Location: Arizona
Post Kermit
Height: 6ft 2in

Weight: 230lbs

Who Do You Look Like: 6 Foot 2, Cena like body build, in his late 20's. Dressed as a modern businessman, complete with black suit, white undershirt, green tie. In ring attire, black slacks and shined boots.

Hailing From: Chicago, Ill

Music: It's my Life - Bon Jovi

Alignment: Face (In the public's eye), Tweener/Heel (in private)

Stable or Tag: None

Titles Held: Bleeder Title

Board Name: Kermit


AIM: if applicable

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Wrestling Style: Not too sure what it would be

Who Do You Wrestle Like: Chris Benoit with a bit of Matt Hardy

Finishing Moves:

Kermit Kick - (Sweet Chin Music without the build up )

Lesson in Respect -( Vertebreaker "Helms" / Da Gringo Killer "Homicide" )

Signature Moves (6-12): Top turnbuckle dropkick, Scoop Slam, DDT, Running STO, Ground Armbar, Spinebuster, Figure Four, Running Neckbreaker, Power Slam, German Suplex, Russian Legsweep

Gimick: Philanthropist/Businessman.

Backstory: Kermit it the only child of the late Raul and Julia Gambono. His father was the leader of the Chicago crime circuit for 20 years until he was gunned down, along with his wife, by a rival gang. Kermit, a sixteen year old teenager at the time, watched it happen before his eyes. A recent addition to his father's crew, Gonzola, had pulled the boy down when the bullets flew, and later smuggled the young man out of town, knowing full well what Don Sbezzo, the rival who ordered the hit, would do to the young man. Hiding out amongst friends in Las Vegas, Kermit lived with a burning desire for revenge. Five years later, Kermit and Gonzola returned to Chicago a began to track down his late father's crew. Those that did not switch sides to the Sbezzo family, laid low. Kermit and Gonzola's new crew all agreed with Kermit, Don Sbezzo had to snuffed out. But Kermit wanted more. He wanted the aging Don to suffer like Kermit had suffered these past five years. For the next two years, Kermit and his crew launched hit and run assaults on the Sbezzo empire. Destroying shipments, killing capos and soldiers, bombing safe houses, Kermit did it all. He wanted Sbezzo to watch as his empire crumbled around him.

Finally the time came. Thanks to the ever day attacks on the Sbezzo crime syndicate, the Old Fathers (leaders of the world wide mafia, based in Sicily) approved the hit on Don Sbezzo that Kermit had requested. With deliberate cunning and cruelty, Kermit arranged for Don Sbezzo to be outside the same restaurant his parents were gunned down in front of seven years earlier. As Sbezzo exited his car, Kermit strode up to him with a big grin on his face.

"Message for you from Raul and Julia."

Was all the young man said as he put the gun in front of the elderly mobsters face and pulled the trigger. Gonzola, new guy Fozzini, and a bands of thugs calling themselves the Electric Mayhem attacked at that moment, killing the men with Don Sbezzo. Kermit's laugh echoed through the night.

After five years of running the crime in Chicago, Kermit got bored. Everyday was the same, with a few minor differences. He was a man who needed excitement. Always a fan of professional wrestling, Kermit decided to give it a shot. However, Kermit's pride began to change this from a hobby to an obsession. After suffering many losses, and turning to the bottle for comfort, Kermit was visited by the ghost of his father Raul. Kermit's mind was already in a fragile state due to stress and boozing, so he had little trouble believing his dear father was here to finally help him. In truth, Raul was a demon bent on using and manipulating Kermit to his own schemes against others in TCW, such as Jason Dante and Darkness.

With the help of Jason Dante and Freya, Kermit overcame the influence of "Raul". Despite "Raul"'s kidnapping of Janice, the turning of the Mayhem Squad against him, and nearly pushing Jason Dante into murdering him, Kermit fought back with tooth and nail to defeat the demon's hold on his mind and body. After a severe injury that put him out of action during his Bleeder match with Freya, Kermit is back and ready to start his climb to the top again. No longer the same man, Kermit has experienced true evil and the effects it can have on one's soul. Not wanting to ever experience it again, Kermit walks a fine line between holding Chicago in his pocket all the while trying to keep his soul out of Hell.

During a quest return to TCW a year ago, Kermit began to turn the "Special Projects" division of Henson Industries into a devolpment lab for his own fight with the evils of the world. After handpicking the best of the best for this project, he went about trying obtain genetic material for the research. Kermit thought he had struck gold when Revenant wound up inside Henson Towers, but that was short lived as Darkness and the Shadow Slayers launched an assault that that not only freed Revenant, but also destroyed all genetic material extracted from her. All Kermit had to show for after the raid was a single vampire eyeball, left by Darkness. using that material, with overall knowledge gained from Revenant as a test subject, has allowed Kermit's research to continue. Over the year since, Dr. Honeydew unlocked what he believes to be the secret of the vampires extraordinary abilities. After numerous tests, and positive results, Kermit subjected himself to what Honeydew jokingly referred as the "Super Solider" treatment. Kermit's natural strength, speed, and resilience has improved dramatically since going through the often painful procedures, and each treatment last about 9 days tops. Side effects are currently unknown.

Recently, Kermit has changed his public persona to that of a generous and caring philanthropist. Charity organizations, community work, even a new medical wing, Kermit has done a lot to make himself look like a man reformed. However, it is all an act. Kermit is just as ruthless, arrogant, and ambitious as ever. Yet, it has a direct purpose. During his downtime, Kermit has come to realize that for reasons he has yet to discover, many wrestlers in TCW are playing a major part in this fight with demons, vampires, and other evils. So Kermit decided that one of two things would happen. Either they (Specifically Darkness, Dante, and Freya) need to step up the fight, or get out of the way. But the prime target is Darkness. To this end, Kermit plans to usurp everything Darkness values (in Kermit's eyes at least), such as his allies (Freya, Dante, etc), his fame, any titles he holds, everything. Kermit theorizes that without all those distractions, Darkness will either give up or re double his efforts. Both work for Kermit equally.


Two quick auto tuner bass riffs hit at the stage lights up in sync with deep green strobes. Kermit appears on the ramp, right arm raised in a fist, head bowed down, as the lyrics pick up.

This ain't a song for the brokenhearted

Kermit walks down the ramp alternately slapping hands or pointing at the cheering sections..

No silent prayer for the faith departed
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

Kermit stops at the edge of the ring, and raises his arms up and down to get the crowd into it.

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive

Kermit slides into the ring and starts pointing to random sections in the arena.

(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive

He mounts the closet turnbuckle, right arm up in the air and head bowed.

'Cause it's my life

Music fades...


Gonzola - Kermit's right hand and Capo is a man with a knack for getting information. Gonzola has been a loyal man to not only Kermit, but to Kermit's late father too. A skinny, late thirties man with a hooked nose, Gonzola may not be look tough, but between his friendship with Kermit, and his connections all across the world, Gonzola always has the last laugh. Cunny and intelligent, Gonzola is not one to rush into a situation with out first examining all the outcomes and variables. Outside of his work, Gonzola leads a lonely life. Never married, no kids, Gonzola lives to work.

Gonzola is currently paralyzed from the waist down after being thrown from a balcony by "Raul". He remembers little of what happened that night, except that somebody familar pushed him. Kermit, feeling he is at fault for what happened, is sparing no expense to have his friend and right hand man back on his feet.

Fozzinini- Kermit's lead enforcer. Large, somewhat hairy man known for his toughness, Foz (or Fozzie) as he is known by his friends, relies mainly on brute strength to get the job done. He is loyal to Kermit, except a few cases involving the big man's on family. This bear of a man is not too bright and has a soft streak in him when faced with anything that reminds him of his own family. His weird humor is the biggest stand out to any who know the man. He loves horrible jokes, thinking they are the funniest thing in the world, despite being informed of the opposite.

Rowlfski - Kermit's main assassin. Before taking up the killing trade full time, Rowlf was a musician of some standing back in Russia. But a few bad run-ins with the Russian Mob (not to mention unsolved murders the police suspected him for), Rowlf was forced to come to America where he was hired by Kermit to help the young mob boss retake Chicago. Rowlf now stays in America ready for any assignment Kermit sends him on. As is an ode to his former profession, Rowlf weapon of choice is piano wire.

The Electric Mayhem - A group of hoodlums and goons under Kermit's employment. Led by Dr. Teeth. No longer working with Kermit due to their betrayal at Endgame 2007.

Dr. Teeth - Former member of a Hell's Angels band with the same name as his current crew, Dr. Teeth sticks out in a crowd. The large brute can be picked out by either his black leather jacket with his former's bands name on it, or his mouth full of gold capped teeth. A anarchist thru and thru, Dr. Teeth loves causing trouble and raising Hell. Why he takes orders from Kermit, is a mystery to all except himself and Kermit.

Dr. Teeth's where abouts today are unknown since his demon influenced turn on Kermit.

Zoot - A quiet man, Zoot is a man with a shadowed past. Nobody ever heard of him before he came to Chicago, and he has not said a word about who he was before joining the Mayhem. But his willingness to excel at any job the Mayhem goes on, has caused the Muppets and the Mayhem to ignore these unanswered questions.

Current where abouts unknown, but has been seen in and around LA.

Sgt. Floyd Pepper - A former Army Sgt., Floyd was dishonorably discharged from the service for his involvement in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, only because he avoided the camera some whisper, did he avoid a court-martial. Being the newest member of the group, Floyd was under the watchful eye of Dr. Teeth during his "training". But Floyd's natural sadism helped him perform his tasks with excellent results. As such, Floyd is now held in high regard by the Mayhem.

Currently held in connection with the murder of a police officer in St. Louis.

Animal - Not much is known about the "Wild Man" of the group except three things. He's dumb as hell, easy to control, and a beast when ordered to attack. Three things Dr. Teeth likes. This short, hairy man will fight until he can not fight anymore or is told to stop by Kermit or the Mayhem.

Current where abouts unknown.

Janice - The youngest member of the group, Janice makes an unlikely addition to this band of rogues. However, she is a hellcat when she needs to be. For the most part, Janice is a quiet young woman, speaking rarely and when she does, her sentences are peppered with the word "like". Yet certain situations bring out a focus or "fire" in the woman that eliminates her seeming shyness. Janice is the pyro of the Mayhem, using flame to destroy whatever the Mayhem is sent after be it place, or even person.

Currently, she is involved in a relationship with Kermit, and the two spend most of their time together. Yet both are seemingly unable to express their love with words to each other, so both pass off the relationship as a casual fling, or friends with benefits type of relationship.

After her ordeal in the Hell "Raul" held her in, Janice has become almost two different people. One moment she is the same woman she was before, and the next she locks up and refuses to be away from Kermit's side, as if the fear of returning to her imprisonment could happen at any moment. With the best medical help money can buy, Kermit is trying to bring the woman he realized he loved, back to normal.

Dr. Bunson Honeydew - Brilliant and gifted inventor heading up the New Technologies Department of Henson Tech. While Bunson always dreamed of being a tinkering inventor, like his hero Thomas Edison, he learned while in college that such professions earn very little. He switched his focus to medicine, where he became a very good surgeon. One botched operation and a dead eight year old boy on the operating table later, Dr. Honeydew's medical license was revoked for "reckless behavior" and he was sued into bankruptcy by the dead boys family. With no other avenue to turn, he eagerly accepted the offer to lead Henson Tech's "Special Projects" division. While he has no false notions about the real business the man he is working for is running, he does not complain. He is paid well, and gets to invent. Good enough for him.

Dr. Honeydew is a short, bald man with glasses.


Miss Piggy - Kermit's former lover, and now brothel owner in Chicago.

Staler and Waldoff - Kermit's legal team

The Fraggles - Nickname for Kermit's drug dealers. Now out of work after Kermit's drastic changes to his organization.

Bert and Ernie - "Partner's" who own the Rubber Ducky, a notorious gay bar in Chicago, and leaders of the Seaseme Street gang. Sometime allies of Kermit's.

Rizzo - A former informant. Killed by Roosevelt Dimes.

When the going gets tough, I get tough henchmen

Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:16 am
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