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Twisted Experience and TCW - View topic - Izumi Matsushita
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 Izumi Matsushita 
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Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:11 pm
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Post Izumi Matsushita

Character name: Izumi (full name Izumi Matsushita)

Height: 5'4"

Weight:144 lbs

Who Do You Look Like: A Japanese female with violet eyes, wears small, oval glasses, black hair usually in a pony tail, black shirt with some Japanese on the back and a small red bird logo with wings spread on the front, usually, jeans (long jeans or shorts, sometimes a skirt, depending on the weather). This is also her in-ring attire, occasionally with the addition of white Japanese face paint.

Hailing From: Tokyo, Japan

Music: AFI - Miseria Cantare

Alignment: Technically a tweener, leaning strongly towards face. (She believes in shades of gray, no person is completely evil or completely good.)

Stable or Tag: None

Titles Held:
1x TCW Aftershock Champion
1x FWRFed Revolution Champion
(first ever to hold both titles at the same time)

Board Name: Kamaria

E-Mail: jpopkamaria@yahoo.com

MSN: jpopkamaria@yahoo.com

Yahoo: jpopkamaria

Gimmick: Wrestling fan turned wrestler. She's a bit of a young prodigy 'living her dream' so to speak, that the fans can relate to. While her wrestling style is unconventional and her experience in the ring is limited, her biggest ally is her courage and determination, fueled in part by the fans cheering her name. She lives by the Japanese saying "Continuance is Strength." You can hurt her a million ways, but you won't stop her so easily...

Wrestling Style: Japanese style, working in martial arts and acrobatic moves. Her plan of attack is to attack quickly using stiff strikes and wear them down with fast and hard offense, since she lacks the strength to lift anybody much bigger than her. She has knowledge of pressure points, and will use that to her full advantage, able to disable her opponent with well placed strikes, if she gets the opening. She is inexperienced in the ring and will make mistakes from time to time, but the few matches she's had taught her a lot. Her style is very strategic and on-the-fly, even willing to try completely new tactics mid-match.

Who Do You Wrestle Like: A Japanese wrestler/sometimes CM Punk.

Finishing Moves:

Primary: The Zanmatō- An inverted hurricanrana/frankensteiner, driving her opponent's head and neck into the canvas with extreme speed and force. Can be done from a wide variety of positions when she can get up onto her opponent's shoulders and very quick to execute, thus making it a dangerous finisher.

Examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbt85Wb1JKY

Konsui- Flying elbow and knee combination. Izumi charges towards her opponent, driving a knee into her opponent's solar plexus. At the same time, she chops her elbow down into the crown of her opponent's skull. A martial arts move designed to knock her opponent out cold.

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zBlvwCUfow

Submission: Sankaku-Jime (Triangle Choke)- A triangle choke using the legs to constrict the blood flow to the brain of her opponent. Also dangerous because it can be locked in from a variety of positions, and she can counter straight into it, or play possum and then lock it in on an unsuspecting opponent. This finisher is chosen precisely because she believes that most of the wrestlers in TCW will not tap out easily. Even if they're too stubborn to tap, the move could put them to sleep...very quickly, in fact, if it's cinched in fully.

(This list may change on occasion. In the tradition of Japanese wrestlers, it's not uncommon for her to try to innovate a new finisher to keep her opponents off guard.)

Finishing Sequence: Running elbow smashes followed by an Izumigiri. Izumi plays to the crowd before running into the ropes and bouncing back with a handspring moonsault/splash. Finally, she crouches behind the opponent as they get up, pounding the mat with her hands, before jumping on the opponent's shoulders for the Zanmato finisher. May or may not be followed with a triangle choke finisher.

Signature Moves (6-12):


Shinfuzen (Heart Paralysis): A two fingered strike to the heart, causing intense, paralysing chest pain, enough to set the opponent up for another move.

Izumigiri: Can deliver a jumping/step up high and precise Enzuigiri, out of nowhere. Sometimes comes right after the Shinfuzen.

Full Body Combo: Martial arts combo finished with a gut kick and a smooth swinging neckbreaker.

Other moves:

Various Judo takedowns.

Dropsault: Dropkick which she flips off of and lands on her belly, in multi-man matches, she often lands on another opponent like this. Learned by watching an Aftershock title match.

Can I Have Your Autograph: Mid-match antics. Sometimes during a match, she will pull out a photo or some form of her opponent's merchandise and a Sharpie and ask her opponent to sign it. If her opponent signs it, she will bow and let out a cute 'Arigato! (thank you)' before resuming with a surprise attack. If the opponent refuses, she'll slap them. Mostly the point of this is to mess with her opponent's head.

No Lift Chokeslam

Arm drag into arm bar.

High Knee/Bulldog/Flying Clothesline combo: She lifts a high knee to her opponent in the corner, bulldogs them, quickly rolls out of the ring and does a springboard clothesline when they get up. She calls it the CM Combo, as a tribute to CM Punk. She doesn't use it too often, as she doesn't want to rely on another wrestler's offensive sequence, but she will use it on occasion, usually in big matches.

Description: Izumi is an odd girl. At a first glance she appears to be an obsessed wrestling fan who's going further than she can handle. She seems very immature and often annoying, going off on tangents and making jokes or acting inappropriately at the wrong times, acting like a complete 'smark', naive, etc. To some extent, this is true of her personality. Some might say she acts like she's from Mars.

However, this is not entirely true. She has an incredible brain in her head, with a possibly genius IQ. Underneath the hood she's a calm and calculated thinker, very perceptive, able to make good educated guesses about things, and, when it comes to crunch time, is a very determined girl with absolutely -no- quit in her. She'll often suddenly 'switch off' her sillyness when needed. Of course, not all of her naive activity is an act. Izumi is best described as a 'gifted amateur'. She has the brain, but she is still a learner.

Her determination leads her to aim high and direct for whatever goal she's seeking. The words 'No' or 'You can't' are just going to make her more determined to find a way. This can also be a fault, sometimes, however, but in these times, Izumi needs her determination.

Izumi is well aware of the End Times approaching. Her love for society as it stands today led her to go on a path to avert the coming apocalypse. Perhaps the highest and most impossible goal of all, Izumi will stop at nothing to do what she thinks will save the world. Originally having joined a group known as 'The Balance', Izumi's status is in limbo after learning that things may not be as cut and dried as they seem.

On the wrestling side, Izumi is living her dream. She's looking for that one moment in the main event where she can awe the crowd and give them a memory they will never forget. Other goals include winning the Unified World Championship, and defeating Darkness, two events that have only been accomplished by a few wrestlers, and aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Such an occurance is probably not possibly in her young career, but who knows? She's held her own against the two top title holders in TCW, so nobody really knows how soon she'll break out...

Backstory: Not much is known about Izumi's past. She first started to gain notice about a year ago, when she first appeared as Inferno's manager for some reason. The truth is that she was trying to recruit Inferno to a group known as the Balance, believing him to be an important key in the future of Earth.

The Balance is a group that relies on the strength of humans and a mysterious alliance of warriors known as the Vindicators to keep the balance of power between good and evil. Whenever one side, good or evil, gets too powerful, they work to correct this. Their belief is that without one force, the ruling force becomes meaningless. There can be no good without a relative evil to compare it to, and no evil without a relative good to compare it to, they believe. All signs point towards the Apocalypse, and the side of evil is becoming very strong. Despite their intentions, they are misguided, and misinformed at the happenings in the underworld. They believe the Antichrist is the very bringer of the apocalypse, and will stop at nothing to track him down. If only they knew the truth...

It is unknown how or why Izumi was chosen to join the Balance, or why she specifically was chosen for this mission. Her initial attempts to find more information about the Antichrist proved fruitless.

Her first real encounter was with the demon known as Bleeder, also a wrestler she had enjoyed in the old days of 411fed. The encounter was somewhat of a harsh one: Bleeder had forced her to feel what Inferno feels on the inside, showing her the truth of the monster she was trying to recruit. Soon after, she had a dream (or was it?) about a coffee shop where she encountered various smiling faces...one of which, was Inferno's girlfriend, before death. The tragic truth? All of these people were from Hell, whether or not they deserved to be.

Izumi explained the dream to Inferno afterwards, who promptly left Izumi, leaving her to her own devices. Soon after, she had one more encounter with Bleeder, in which he essentially made Izumi realise just how lost and confused she really was in all of this. He left Izumi a gift: A white, featureless mask that allowed her to connect psionicly with other people's minds and see through their eyes...a potentially dangerous power. A power that also has a dangerous limiter: If used for too long, or too often, it will begin to get stuck on her. If it is not removed in time, she risks being stuck in the person's head she is currently in...forever.

With this mask, she was able to find out that not everyone was who they seemed in TCW. She went on a mission to find the Antichrist...and after an encounter which nearly resulted in permanent brain damage, she knew the truth: Darkness was the one she had been searching for.

Her boss, known as 'Mr. Cain', ordered her to lay low for a while until the time to strike was right. During this time, she was able to enjoy herself in the wrestling world. She had many great matches, many of which did not necessarily result in a victory for her, but culminated in her winning the Aftershock championship on the grandest stage in TCW: ENDGAME. It was a dream come true.

After ENDGAME, she took notice of the reunification of the NHFC, and decided she needed to do more scouting for her superiors...even against their wishes. She persued Freya throughout New York, before being used by the werewolf known as Bronson to track her down...and was promptly saved, before being told that her perceptions were all wrong, and that Darkness was not, indeed the true enemy. Questioning her superiors, she was suddenly declared an enemy of the Balance and targeted for assassination.

A Vindicator did indeed attempt to kill her after a match, but a mysterious young adult named Adam saved her life. He revealed that he, too, had been part of the Balance...but for whatever reason, was killed by them. The 'undead' Adam, or whatever he may be, saved Izumi from a similar fate. The two persued Darkness, apparantly to warn him of the Balance when the United States government sent in secret soldiers to kill him, taking down a plane and forcing Darkness to open a portal to Hell itself to prevent a catastrophic crash. Trapped in Hell, and under attack by a demon, Izumi was saved at the last moment by Darkness' power.

It is unknown what Izumi will do next about her current situation. She doesn't know what's right anymore.


The arena goes dark as the opening parts of Miseria Cantare play. A single spotlight shines onto the entry way, fading on and off. The music kicks into it's main drum beat just before the lyrics begin. Izumi appears on the stage to a crowd pop in the slowly strobing spotlight as a brief pyro explodes, showering her visage in sparks.

Sammy: From Tokyo, Japan...weighing in at 144 pounds...IZUUUUUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She walks slowly to the ring, the spotlight following her, still casting it's powerful strobing glow upon her. She stops at the ring apron, and as the music reaches it's peak, she leaps into the ring, the lights coming on full at last. She circles the ring and shouts stuff to the crowd, pumping them and herself up, before finally mounting a turnbuckle and raising a single fist in the air.

-Updated on July 19th, 2009!

-Updated on July 29th, 2008

http://forums.thesmartmarks.com -My favorite smart wrestling site.


Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:56 pm
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