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 TCW Havoc in Torino (Nov. 03 2006) 
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Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
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Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Post TCW Havoc in Torino (Nov. 03 2006)

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.... Bullshit!

Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!

New, what do you own the world?

How do you own disorder, disorder,

Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,

Sacred silence and sleep,

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,

Disorder, disorder, disorder!"

BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP! ~ BAP!


TX: "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELCOME TO TORINO! WELCOME TO TCW HAVOC!! I am Tex Tantrum, this is my colleague Isaiah Cain and this... "

BS: "Is the superior commentator Banter Shark"

IC: "That's debatable"

BS: "No it's not so quit debating it. We come to you tonight from the old world as TCW continues it's European tour with another packed house and another packed card"

IC: "It certainly is Banter, from top to bottom we've got a show that won't disappoint you"

BS: "I can promise you that it'll have more turns than a Rubix cube."

TT: "Hah, way to lose our target demographic with that outdated reference Banter"

IC: "As much as I enjoy your witty banter guys we've got Joey Joe Joe standing by backstage with some breaking news, take it away Shabadoo"

We cut to somewhere in the backstage area where Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo Jr. is waiting for his cue that they're live

JJJS: "I'm here backstage Tex and there is a bit of a panic going on with the TCW staff because the Unified Tag-Team champions have not shown up yet. I repeat the Miracle Violence Combination have not shown up yet and no one has heard from them."

TT: "Joey what'll happen if they don't show up tonight?"

JJJS: "Well what do you think Tex?"

TT: "erm... well they'd lose by forfeit and the LBAs would win the titles"

JJJS: "Exactly so why did you ask me such a boneheaded question. Now excuse me I'll try and get a word with Kermit and JE and I will continue to keep an eye on the situation. I will get back to you when I know more."

IC: "That's not like Hawk and Hayes, they're always here before the show starts"

BS: "Maybe they got drunk and forgot to show up?"

TT: "Well they've still got time before their match so... Wait why isn't the lights back on?"

When the shot cut back to the arena the arena lights did not come back on like they usually do, instead it's pitch black, no lights no nothing. Then suddenly a green Infinity Symbol is projected onto the canvas as "Renegade" plays over the speaker system.

BS: "What now??"

The lights slowly return to the arena to reveal two men in the ring, two men later scheduled to put it all on the line for a chance at Jason Dante's World Championship...

Hammer: "At the last show, I promised that TCW's conspiracy against Infinity would end. We would no longer get screwed out of title shots by bogus decisions by referees, or commissioners deciding to put us in non-title matches because they fear how powerful we would become controlling the top title in this sport. "

Highone: "They fear us, but they can no longer contain us."

Hammer: "Sure, it's a little screwy, but you know what? If TCW wants this match, we'll give them this match!"

Highone: "So here we are, battling tonight for the number one contender's spot..."

Hammer: "I'll tell you one thing, the crowd will see something that's never been witnessed in federation history..."

Highone: "...which of course is two members of the same faction, Infinity, squaring off for a chance at Jason Dante, the TCW World Champion!"

Hammer: "Allegiances aside, I plan on dropping the "hammer" tonight and taking home the win."

Highone: "You think you're the only one? I've got news for you Mutaaz. I'm the TC Champion! I don't lay down for anyone!"

Hammer: "I understand."

Highone: "Truth be told, my friend, I don't think me, you, or any other rabid TCW mark in this crowd tonight have any idea who will win. Could be either of us. Could be...a draw under jaw-dropping circumstances..."

Crowd boos the thought of a tie.

Hammer: "Would that make us BOTH in line to take on Dante for his title? A tie? Hmmmm..."

Highone: "Interesting thought...though I wonder if the high and mighty Valerie Stern would consider the notion of me holding TWO TCW titles..."

Hammer: "Your belt has nothing to do with it. I didn't get to where I am by giving away wins. When that bell rings tonight, be prepared to enter a whole new world."

Highone: "And I want to make this clear too. So everyone in the arena hears it, including the Infinity boys in the back. Do NOT interfere tonight. I don't want anyone breaking the action up. This here needs to be settled between me and men."

The crowd applauds this gesture of sportsmanship, there is still hopes that tonights match will not be an Infinity ploy to get both guys in the main event of Stranglehold

Hammer: "That's really nice of you, Highone. But you and I both know what went on in that meeting backstage. How do I know that David Hardy isn't going to run down here and hit me with an Infinity Driver?"

Highone: "Yeah, well how do I know that your Ghetto Grass kids aren't going to attack me 4 on 1?"

Hammer: "Well.......I guess you just don't know, do you?"

Highone: "I guess we'll all find out later tonight, won't we?"

Hammer: "Later tonight...may the best man win."

Highone: "Indeed... or even best men"

Both Hammer and HighOne smirk as they shake hands, something which raises the suspicion of a lot of people in the arena - including

"I am the God of all hell's fire!"

TT: "That's Dante's music?? The champ is coming out??"

Quite right Tex, Jason Dante IS coming out - to a standing ovation no less. The champion isn't carrying his two titles with him tonight but instead he's carrying a microphone it seems that he has something on his mind.

Dante: "So that's the plan? Something where you BOTH face me at Stranglehold?"

Hammer: "What is this paleface talking about? Did we not just say we'd give 110% tonight?"

HighOne: "Yup"

Dante: "Yeah cute, sure you'll just "accidentally" end up in a situation where you'd both earn the shot right?"

HighOne: "Now Jason first of all I don't appreciate you interrupting us. Second of all I can't predict what'll happen tonight, tempers will flare you know? Stuff may get out of hand, a double pin MAY happen"

Hammer: "In the heat of the moment of course"

HighOne: "Oh of course"

Dante adjusts his shades and then puts the microphone back up to his mouth.

Dante: "Let me know when I should be scared. I don't care if it's you Hammer or you HighOne or both or all of Infinity lining up to take the title from me!!"

"Don't make a mess for me to clean up"

TT: "Who said that?"

Everyone in the arena look around to see where the voice came from. After a moment a figure appears by the entrance, lit from behind we can only see the sillouette of a man. He's slim but athletically built with a cowboy hat on his head.

BS: "Who is that? What's he doing here?"

The figure strikes a match and then lights the cigarette in his mouth, the light from the flame reveals the face of...



BS: "HOLY SHIT!! Bruce is here?? Awesome!!"

HighOne, Hammer and Dante all just stare at Bruce, shocked to see the time traveller walk down the ramp wearing a cowboy hat, a red "evil eye" t-shirt, faded jeans and cowboy boots while pulsing away on a cigarette.

HighOne: "I see you got back up Dante? You'll need it"

But Dante doesn't look like he knew Bruce was coming, in fact unless he's doing an Academy Award winning job of acting he's as shocked to see Bruce as everyone else.

Bruce: "You know I've not been on the job for more than 10 minutes and already we've got a situation"

TT: "On the job?"

IC: "You don't mean Bruce is the... TCW Enforcer?"

Bruce: "When Mrs. Stern hired me to keep things a little under control I knew I had my job cut out for me. But damn it right off the bat? You couldn't have given me a little time to sit back and relax in my office?"

HighOne's sneer turns to stunned silence as he realizes that Bruce isn't there as a wrestler but as a TCW official. Dante grins figuring that Bruce is on his side.

Bruce: "What are you grinning at?"

Dante's facial expression changes in an instant.

Bruce: "If you'd been able to knock off one of these guys it wouldn't have been a problem. And as for YOU two! I heard your talk about a draw and maybe both men earning the title shot, well I'm here to inform you that you are sadly mistaken!"

Hammer and HighOne exchange glances as they try to figure out what Bruce is on about.

Bruce: "The match either ends with ONE clear winner or it ends with two pink slips you got that?"

Hammer: "Bruce... pal. *WE* always planned on settling it in the ring, Dante is the one getting all paranoid"

Bruce: "Maybe, but just so we're clear - one hand raise in the air for victory or it'll be two hands reaching for their unemployment benefits"

Dante nods in approval, Infinity's plans seem to have been dashed.

Bruce: "What are you grinning at? At Stranglehold I'll make sure that it'll be one on one and that there is a clear cut winner. You can't get away with a double count out as you did with HighOne, not when you face the number one contender in a..."



Bruce turns around and heads to the back as the crowd cheers the announcement. HighOne and Hammer exchange a few words while Dante tries to figure out if Bruce is a friend or a foe.

TT: "HE is the Enforcer?"

BS: "Yup seems like it"

IC: "Isn't that like having the fox guard the chickens?"

BS: "Well he knows every dirty trick in the book, so he can stop others from using them, besides he's supposed to be neutral remember?"

TT: "Oh yeah a regular friggin' Switzerland"

IC: "He never was good at making friends"

TT: "I think we need a commercial break after THAT bombshell announcement. I still can't believe it, Bruce as the TCW Enforcer? Has the Commissioner lost her mind?"

BS: "Oh just deal with it!"

Commercial Break

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:59 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Professor Evil vs. GSSN

Tex: Coming up, two of TCW's newer superstars go head-to-head in the ring! We've got Professor Evil vs. the Green Super Stealth Ninja!

Banter: I didn't know they had ninjas in Ireland?!?

IC: I think it's fair to say the winner of this match will be one step closer to a shot at the AfterShock Championship.

Tex: Speaking of our competitors, it looks like it's match-time!

The opening 30 seconds of Silverchair's "One Way Mule" plays and the ninja in the bright green outfit makes his way out on the ramp and then 30 secs into that song "Blackstar" by Yngwie Malmsteen starts play from its 30 second mark as he enters the ring and does his poses.

Banter: Hmmm...posing, wearing a glow-in-the-dark costume, and coming out to rock I see why ninjas are master assassains...

"Yeah, I am the astro-creep,
A demolition style hell american freak - yeah
I am the crawling dead,
A phantom in a box, shadow in your head - say
Acid suicide - freedom of the blast,
Read the fucker lies - yeah
Scratch off the broken skin,
Tear into my heart,
Make me do it again"

Lights dim. Strobes flash. Evil strobes, that is.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human"

Pyro erupts from the stage. Orange flames nearly lick the ceiling with their warming evil embrace. As the blindness from the blazing flame subsides, the crowd sees Professor Evil standing on the ramp.

"Yeah, I am the jigsaw man
I turn the world around with a skeleton hand - say
I am electric head,
A cannibal core,
A television said - yeah
Do not victimize,
Read the motherfucker-psychoholic lies - yeah
Into a psychic war,
I tear my soul apart and I eat it some more"

He begins to walk down to the stage.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-
More human than human
More human than human"


"More human than human
More human than human"

Closer still.

"More human than human
More human than human"

He reaches the bottom of the ramp and ascends the ring steps.

"Yeah, I am the ripper man,
A locomotion mind,
Love american style -yeah
I am the nexus one,
I want more life,
Fucker I aint done - yeah"

He enter the ring, moving to the middle. Professor Evil turns, facing out to different sections of the crowd. At this point, several people crap themselves.

"More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human
More human than human"

One more brilliant eruption of EVIL pyrotechnics, from both the entrance and the ring posts, signals his arrival. Let the insanity begin.

IC: That was a wicked entrance!

Banter: More like an EEEEVIL one. I can smell the crowd's fecal matter from here!

The bell rings and the two combatants lock up. The size difference is obvious. Professor Evil stands a whopping eight inches taller than the Green Ninja. However, what the martial artist lacks in stature, he makes up in speed. He quickly whips around behind Evil and dropkicks him in the back. The force of the move sends the sinister ex-scientist forward into the ropes. As Professor Evil stumbles backwards, Ninja delivers a low kick to his legs tripping him up.

Tex: Smart move by GSSN to bring Evil down to his size!

Professor Evil starts to stand back up. Green Ninja runs to a nearby turnbuckle, hops up to the top in one bound, and flips off in an attempt to land an aerial manuever, perhaps a flying cross-body. Evil uses his brute strength to catch him around the waist in mid-air. He wrenches backwards, sending the high-flyer flying head over heels with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

IC: What strength!

Banter: Tends to be the case when you are 6'6, 270 lbs...or in your case, Tex, 5'6, two-seventy...

Back in the ring, the deliverer of devilry is stomping a mudhole in Ninja. The green gladiator is able to roll out of the ring to re-compose himself. Instead of immediately pursuing him, Professor Evil decides to climb out of the ring on the opposite side.

Tex: What the hell is he doing? He's giving his opponent a chance to recover!

Banter: Why ask questions you answer yourself?

Evil slowly walks around the outside of the ring, towards the Green Ninja, but at a very casual pace. He stops halfway and turns to the crowd. An old woman in the front row never sees the forearm coming. Her white hair starts turning red as she flies backwards into ths sea of fans. Professor Evil smiles and continues his stroll towards Ninja.

Tex: What a sick, sick individual!

Banter: Well, his name isn't Professor Lollypops-n-Sunshine, now is it?

GSSN sees the Professor slowly approaching and decides to quickly roll back into the squared-circle. Evil sees the move and starts to climb back inside too. However, he's not as nimble as Ninja, giving the green one an opening for attack. He throws a few chops into Evil's chest, although the large man still manages to power his way back inside the ring.

Tex: Ninja starting with the kicks now! He's living up to his name! Look at that impact! Look at that precision!

Flashes of emerald pepper Professor Evil's body. Green Ninja stops long enough to land a Split-Legged Moonsault! He stays on top of Evil and hooks the leg!

Ref: One!

Ref: Twooooo!!!!


Tex: Professor Evil kicks out!

Green Ninja steps back and lets the fan-of-fear make his way back up to his feet. As soon as Evil is upright, Ninja runs up, jumps a foot in the air, and hooks his arm around Professor Evil's neck. He attemps to deliver a Jump-Spinning DDT, but his opponent finds enough strength to push him off which sends the limeesque luchadorian flying onto his keister.

Tex: If he hadn't countered that, this match might have been over.

Professor Evil runs forward at the now-standing Ninja and catches him with a Clothesline. It turns the federation rookie inside out. Still, his earlier attacks on Evil have clearly done some harm, and the man who normally stands six-foot-six is reduced by a few feet as he falls to a knee. Both men seem to be in some physical pain.

IC: Pure adrenaline there, folks...

Tex: But he may have spent it all too.

Banter: You're so negative, Tex!

At this point, the night takes yet another interesting turn. Professor Evil raises his head, points to the back, and motions for someone to come out. At the top of the rampway, two figures emerge from behind the curtain. It appears to be an adult and a shorter person, most likely a child. Then again, in this industry, it could be Dink.

IC: What the hell is going on?

The gasps of the crowd indicate Isaiah is about to have his question answered. The Twisted Championship Wrestling cameras zoom up. Slowly walking down to the ring is a man in a ski mask and a T-Shirt with the Iranian Flag. He was grabbing a small child, from behind, around the neck and holding a Beretta to the toddler's temple. The poor babe was crying, tears running down his face and soaking his recently purchased "Green Super Stealth Ninja" T-Shirt.

Tex: My gawd! Someone get security out here!

Banter: I'm not even sure I can endorse this kind of behavior.

As GSSN starts to regain some consciousness, the blur of his surroundings become clearer and he sees the events unfolding in front of him. The pistol-wielding man is yelling what sounds to be like Arabic. Ninja staggers to his feet and grabs the top rope for additional support. Apparently, Evil's connections with the dark side of life have come through to provide just the distraction he needs.

Tex: What the.....?!?!?

Professor Evil sneaks up behind the Ninja, showing a little stealth of his own, and locks his arms around the martial artist's waist.

German Suplex!

German Suplex!!

German Suplex!!!

German Suplex!!!!

German Suplex!!!!!


Ref: One...

Ref: Twooooooo....

Ref: THREEEE!!!!!!!!

Tex: That bastard!

Ring Announcer: Your winner by pinfall.....Professor Eeeeeeeeeeeeevil!!!!!!!

The masked-man lowers his gun and the child stops crying. The both climb into the ring and high-five Professor Evil. It appears as though the entire scenario was a work. Evil pulls out a $5 bill and gives it to the youngster who helped him. The kid smiles, dreaming of candy and video games at a nearby arcade. However, the Professor puts those plans on hold, making sure to give the kid a Double-Arm DDT before the group exits the ring. The audience boos. He loves it.

Banter: Pure genius....EEEEVIL genius!

We cut backstage once again where Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo is standing by outside the Legitimate Businessmen's Association locker room.

JJJS: "We are moments away from the tag-team title defence and NO ONE has seen the Miracle Violence Combination anywhere. I'm hoping to get a word in with Kermit and JE before they go on"

Before Joey can knock on the locker room door it opens and the LBAs come out ready for their match.

JJJS: "Kermit!! JE!! Can I get a quick comment?"

JE ignores Shabadoo, he's in the "zone" but Kermit seems to have time for the backstage reporter turning towards him with a confident look on his face.

Kermit: "Make it quick, we've got a match coming up next and we'd hate to be late. It wouldn't look good if we lost by forfeit now would it?"

JJJS: "Well funny you should mention it, the champs aren't here yet"

Kermit: "Oh dear that is unfortunate... for them"

JJJS: "I got to ask you Kermit, did you have something to do with this?"

Kermit: "Me? What are you talking about? I'm just a Legitimate Businessman, not some goon you know."

JJJS: "But last week"

Kermit: "Last week Frost did not show up, it seems that I've got an intimidation problem"

Kermit's grin is as wide as his face right about now.

JJJS: "What could have happened to the Miracle Violence Combination?"

Kermit: "Why do you ask me? Maybe they got a better offer from a different federation and took it? Have you checked the news and rumour sites? I wouldn't put it past them to jet off to Japan again or something."

And with that the interview is over, Kermit and JE head for the gorilla position to get ready for their tag-team title shot.

JJJS: "I don't know what to say fans, the M.V.C. are not here and they're up next. Something stinks"

Miracle Violence Combination Vs the Legitimate Businessmen's Association
Unified World Tag-Team Title Match

The whole arena goes black for a few seconds, on the tron the words The Technician appear on screen. The lights begin to flash blue and gold back and forth, the beginning of AFI's Miseria Cantare begins to play.

"Love...Your Hate...Your...Faith loss...
You...Are Now...One...of us
Love...Your Hate...Your...Faith Loss...
You...Are Now...One...of us"

IC: Wait a minute, what the hell is going on?
BS: That's the music of The Technician
IC: I know but we have a scheduled match, Tag title match, DeSean's not even scheduled to be here.
BS: What the hell do you care for? You're not the boss it's live let's go with the flow.

The drums begin to vibrate throughout the entire arena
Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all
DeSean walks out wearing a nice Versace suit, with Singapore Cane in hand He walks slowly down the ramp, head up, talking trash to the fans in attendance.
Tex: DeSean making his way to ringside, not endearing himself to the Italian fans.
Radiate, recognize one silent call

As we all form one dark flame... Incinerate

DeSean walks past the ring and towards the announce table, ignoring the fans cursing at him in Italian he grabs a seat while Banter gets up and claps his hands.

BS: You guys need to show The Technician some respect, he is a world champion after all
IC: Pfft world champion

As the music ends, DeSean smiles at both Tex and IC and shakes Banter's hands grabbing a headset.

DeSean: Isaiah, Tex, and Banter how's it going?
IC: What the hell are you doing here?
DeSean: I'm just sitting here, getting a good view of this match
Tex: You couldn't do that in the back?
DeSean: I could but hell I'm not wrestling so why not come here and make myself useful, improve the commentary a little bit.


The sound of cash registers ringing and coins dropping can only signal the entrance of two men, two men who the fans don't really seem to care too much about. Once the lights are turned back to full Kermit steps through the curtains with the lovely Janice on his arm while JE is by himself tonight looking focused and ready for anything.

BS: "I smell a title change guys, I really do"

IC: "You're only saying that because no one has seen the Miracle Violence Combination in days"

BS: "Hey that just makes the prediction that much easier"

"Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
Money, its a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think Ill buy me a football team."

DeSean: this song and entrance is really whack, I just want to make that clear

Kermit looks to be very amused by all of this, pointing to derogatory signs in the crowd as he talks with Janice on the way to the ring. JE on the other hand is the picture of ice cold, a contrast to how emotional JE has been in the past, almost as if he has been learning to keep his temper in check.

"Money, get back.
I'm all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, its a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet."

Once Kermit and JE enter the ring the Mobster heads over to Sammy Eubanks and takes the microphone from him to a chorus of boos.

Kermit: "Now good people of Torino, I have some bad news for everyone - well at least for everyone who had hoped to come here tonight and see the Miracle Violence Combination that is"

TT: "Oh look at the smirk on his face, he DEFINITELY knows something"
DeSean: Or he has gas, who knows?
IC: "This is just like on Friction"
DeSean: He had a gas at Friction?
TT: Would you be quiet!
DeSean: Hey watch it, I won't hesitate to smack the shit out of you

Kermit: "You see I have been informed, and I was VERY SURPRISED to hear this, that the Miracle Violence Combination they don't like Torino, in fact they think it smells so much they decided to leave town"


Kermit: "I'm as surprised and saddened as you are people. And I want you to know that I'm very reluctant about having the tag-team titles handed to us by default, but rules are rules"

BS: "Yep you got to follow the rules."
TT: "That's never stopped you before"
BS: "Yeah but Kermit is a LEGITIMATE businessman, he always plays by the rules Tex!"

Kermit: "It's with a heavy heart that I must announce that the Miracle Violence Combination..."

Kermit's announcement is cut off by the country guitar and banjo sounds of a Jerry Reed classic.

"East bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
we're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run."

If the crowd had been down before they're suddenly experiencing a high as a black Trans Am rolls in through the side entrance and then comes to a halt at the top of the entrance.

TT: "What the?"
DeSean: Or maybe it's the MVC you idiot

"Keep your foot hard on the pedal. Son, never mind them brakes.
Let it all hang out 'cause we got a run to make.
The boys are thirsty in Atlanta and there's beer in Texarcana.
And we'll bring it back no matter what it takes."

The crowd goes nuts as both James Hawk and Frank Hayes Jr. stand up in the Trans Am and then hoist their tag-team titles in the air. The appearance of the tag-team champions does not seem to please Kermit one little bit, in fact he's cursing bi-lingually right now being bleeped both in English and in Italian. Hawk sits down behind the wheel of the car and then drives to ringside as the crowd chants for the tag-team champions.

M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!!

These two have gotten a lot of fans during their short time in TCW but then again their meteoric rise to the tag-team titles and their easy going ways seems to be just what the fans are looking for in these dark and depressing days of terrorism and economic hardship. Hayes slides under the bottom rope while Hawk turns around while still on the apron and holds up the tag-team titles with one hand and makes the Longhorn hand gesture with the other.


TT: "Those sneaky bastards! They jumped Hawk before the bell has even... "


TT: "rung"

Hawk is knocked off the apron by Kermit who strikes the older MVC'er in the back of the head with a well-placed Kermit Kick. Frankie is caught totally by surprise as JE and then moments later Kermit attacks him and starts to beat him down with a series of kick and double axe handles that drives the tag-team champion to the ground. After a couple of moments of the LBAs double teaming Frankie the referee finally forces Kermit to leave the ring so that we can have a fair match, or at least as fair as a match can be when someone gets jumped before the bell and double teamed.

IC: "the champions are in trouble right off the bat tonight"

BS: "Of course they are, with someone as ruthless as Kermit and JE they were in trouble the moment the match was signed"

TT: "I think you're giving the LBAs a bit more credit than they've earned, it's not like they're the Road Warriors"

DeSean: Of course not if they were the LOD, JE would be in the corner passed out in his own vomit, while Kermit would be looking for a hooker.

BS: I don't even know who they are

DeSean: That's because you're a dumbass, Banter

Banter laughs uneasily as JE starts to unload on Frankie Hayes with his impressive arsenal of moves that's reminiscent both of Eddie Guerrero, Samoa Joe and the Undertaker all at once while naturally staying totally appropriate for a guy of JE's stature.

TT: JE has moves like Tiger
DeSean: Didn't you say that the last time about him?

After a series of kicks JE pulls Hayes up to his knees for a move but Frankie lashes out at JE with an elbow to the midsection as he desperately tries to get out of the LBA's corner.
JE pulls him back by the hair and drops him on his back hard, he takes Hayes' arm and tries a cross armbar, never truly locking it in.

IC: JE going for the cross armbar, DeSean give us your expertise
DeSean: Well JE doesn't have it in locked in all the way, he's not the Technical master like I am, Hayes would be tapping like a little bitch if I was applying the hold.
IC: An expert who's now single apparently
DeSean: Hey my personal life stays personal but I am single and looking, I might screw your wife Isaiah if you keep talking trash.
IC: Don't talk about my wife
DeSean: Don't talk about my life

JE doesn't truly get the arm locked in, so he gets back up and brings Hayes up with him, he grabs Hayes by the head and applies a sleeper. Hayes hits JE in the guy and fights out the hold. Frankie whips JE into the ropes and runs the opposite direction, sensing trouble Kermit quickly tags himself in, leaps up on the top rope and then nails Frankie Hayes square in the chest with a perfectly executed drop kick.


BS: "Now even YOU have to admit that was picture perfect"

TT: "I've never doubted Kermit's abilities, he's shown us that he can run with the best of them, it's his ethics I question"

BS: "Ethics, Smethics - that's not what'll win him the match what do you think DeSean?

DeSean: I think Kermit is a great athlete, which's all I really have to say about that. He does pale in comparison to the rest of Infinity, all four competitors do to be honest.

IC: You did lose the tag titles to MVC you know that right?

DeSean: Oh no I was asleep, just in a daze during that whole time....Of course I know we lost the tag titles to MVC and if I didn't know you're going to remind me every 5 seconds.

IC: Just asking

Kermit pulls Frankie back to his feet, wraps his arm and leg around Frankie and then whips him backwards with a snapping Side Russian Leg Sweep that he rolls over into a cover




James Hawk quickly pushes Kermit off his tag-team partner and then heads for the ropes before the referee can admonish him for playing a little lose with the rules. The interference doesn't seem to phase Kermit that much, in fact the expression on his face is more amused than annoyed - almost as if he's saying "alright if you want to play like that"

M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!!

Kermit points to something in the crowd, complaining to the referee. The moment the referee turns his back on Kermit the mob boss drives his thumb straight into Frankie's throat robbing the big man of his oxygen. When the referee turns back around Kermit just slaps on a side headlock and looks like he's never done anything wrong in his life.
Despite Hawk's protests the referee can't do anything because he didn't see anything, in fact Hawk's protests serves as another distraction allowing Kermit to jab his thumb in Frankie's throat once more.


TT: "We're getting a lesson in dirty tactics here by Kermit and the fans don't appreciate it"

BS: "So what? That won't win you the tag-team titles, being ruthless like Kermit is THAT will win you the tag-team titles"

IC: "Or cost him a disqualification"

BS: "Kermit is too smart for that nerd-boy!"

DeSean: Pot, kettle called it says you're fucking black.

Kermit releases the side headlock and then lunges backwards like he was just relaxing, only when he hits the ropes he picks up speed and takes Hayes down with a running neckbreaker. Kermit picks up Hayes and throws him through the ropes near the announcers' table.

DeSean: Oh look who decided to drop by, hey Hayes how you feeling?

IC: Will you leave him alone?

DeSean: Hayes! You suck! One and done, you're losing the title tonight!

Hayes turns around and looks at DeSean taking his mind off of Kermit temporarily, which proves to be a mistake.

TT: Slider kick by Kermit

DeSean: You mean baseball slide, you fat redneck bastard

BS: That's a good one DB.

DeSean: Are you calling me a dumb bastard?

BS: No, I would never...I'm not calling you a dumb bastard.

IC: Kermit rolls Hayes back into the ring and holds the leg of Hayes and kicks at the back of knee. Hawk is holding the tag rope with one hand and is stretching his other hand out as far as it'll go hoping to make contact with Hayes pretty soon. Kermit grabs Hayes by the boot and drags him over in him partner's corner and then tags in JE. JE scales the turnbuckles and then leaps off for a flying leg drop



DeSean: Of course he does

TT: "Frankie manages to move just a bit to the side and JE hit nothing but canvas"

BS: "Kermit doesn't look happy with that, you can't make too many mistakes in this game guys"

Hayes sees this as his chance to tag out so he begins to crawl over towards where Hawk is waiting with his arm outstretched. JE is convulsing on the canvas from landing tailbone first on the mat while Kermit is shouting for him to stop the tag. Hayes crawls closer to Hawk's outstretched hand now only about a foot away or so.

M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!! M.V.C.!!

When Hayes gets too close for Kermit's liking he reaches in and tags JE before leaping over the top rope and rushing across the canvas, leaping as Hayes reaches for Hawk's hand


Kermit stopped the tag in the last possible second denying Hayes the sanctuary of the apron. Kermit scowls at JE for almost letting their advantage slip away but quickly turns his attention back towards Hayes.

DeSean: Hahaha this idiots they thought the MVC were going to tag out

The Chicago don punishes Hayes with a German Suplex that flips the Sooner Bruiser over onto his stomach and then adds injury to ... injury by drop kicking Hayes in the face the moment he looks up. Kermit runs past Frankie Hayes and leaps up on the turnbuckles right behind him. He pauses for a moment to drag his thumb across his throat and then tags in JE. Kermit leaps up on the top rope and then flips over the top of Frankie Hayes and ...


Drives him to the canvas with a 720 DDT as JE races down the apron to the neighboring turnbuckle. JE leaps off the top for the Frog Splash




IC: "Hawk has really been forced to pull out all the stops here tonight to save his partner, especially with the onslaught Kermit has performed."

Both Hawk returns to his spot on the apron before Kermit has a chance to attack him, instead the Chicago Mobster reluctantly returns to his spot and starts to yell for JE to get closer so that he can tag in. At first neither man is really moving at all, Hayes from the beating and JE from Frog Splashing nothing but canvas but then after a moment or two Hayes rolls over onto his stomach and starts to reach for Hawk's hand.

TT: "Oh so close!"

BS: "He'll never make it, JE won't allow the..."



BS: "Ah crap!"

DeSean: Well hell they blew it, let's talk about the Highone/Hammer classic that will be coming up.

BS: It's not over yet DeSean

Hayes finally makes the hot tag to James Hawk who's been dying to get in on the action since before the bell run. Hawk rushes over, grabs the groggy JE by the hair and the tights and hauls him back to his feet. Hawk pushes JE back into the neutral corner and then fires off a series of overhead elbow drops that puts JE on rubber leg street, then he hooks JE in a front Headlock and hoists him up in the air for a suplex and just holds him there.

TT: "Hawk is a house on fire!!"

BS: "Oh cut the clichés"

Hawk holds him there for a second until he spots Kermit making a move towards him, when Kermit steps through the ropes Hawk drops JE stomach first on the top rope driving all the air out of the young Mallorcan. Kermit tries to nail Hawk with a Kermit kick but the old man ducks under it, unfortunately he doesn't duck under the spinning leg kick that knocks Hawk down. Hayes has regained his senses enough to notice what's going on in the ring and leaps into action to help his partner out. Frankie tackles Kermit from behind, driving him back with so much force that both of them flip over the top rope to the floor where they begin to exchange lefts and rights.

IC: "JE better focus on his opponent"

JE has pushed himself off the ropes, has seen Hayes and Kermit fighting on the floor and is pretty confident about the situation. He taps the side of his head to show everyone that he's the smarter more well prepared of them all and then turns around


Right into a rock hard Lariat from James Hawk that spins JE a full 360 in the air before he hits the canvas.


DeSean: Hey we have kids watching this program you fuckface!

BS: "I think he took JE's head off"

Hawk drops down and quickly covers JE


Kermit tries to leap back in the ring but Frankie grabs him by the back of the trunks and pulls him off again.


Kermit responds by driving a knee in Frankie's midsection and then DDTing him on the floor. Kermit leaps into the ring to stop the...


BS: "Ah damn it he was a split second too late"



Kermit sits in the ring on his knees, staring at JE and Hawk in disbelief, he cannot believe that the golden opportunity slipped through his fingers. Hawk rolls off JE, under the bottom ropes and to the floor where he checks on Frankie Hayes.

Sammy Eubanks: "The winners of the match and STILL!! Unified World Tag-Team champion, Frank Hayes Jr., James Hawk - the Miracle Violenceeeeeeeeeeeee Combination!!"

Hawk helps Frankie to his feet and then raises his hand as the referee approaches them with their tag-team titles. With the crowd solidly behind them James and Frankie celebrate by high fiving the closest fans, giving them a chance to see the tag-team titles up close. In the back Kermit quietly leaves the ring, shaking his head in anger over the fashion he lost the match.

TT: MVC! MVC! MVC! MVC! They've won again! MVC! MVC!

DeSean (mockingly) MVC! MVC! How many times are you going to say that?

TT: I'll say it again the MVC have won!

BS: "That'll change, trust me that'll change real quick."

DeSean: It will, excuse me for a second

IC: Where are you going?

DeSean drops his headset and approaches the ring apron, the MVC stop celebrating and get in the pounce position wanting DeSean to get into the ring. He takes a step on the apron and drops back down smiling, he mouths the words soon and leaves ringside to a chorus of boos.

TT: DeSean not wanting to fight tonight

BS: Well it is his day off

IC: Let's cut to a commercial shall we?

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:00 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
"Barn where is the ice cream?"

Dick Flehr is bent over rooting through the small freezer he always requests for his locker room, since he's not wearing his robe right now it's not exactly a pleasant sight that greets the fans, but hey at least it's only in text form and not gloriously graphical cottage cheese white :tup:

"I think we're out Dick, remember you had the last right before your match?"

Barn knew what was coming next, he had to go out and buy Dick more ice cream. He hated having to do that because it meant that he either brought Dick with him and that always caused a scene or he left Dick alone to his own devices - and that wasn't a good idea either.

"Knock, Knock"

It wasn't actually a knock on the door but instead the new Enforcer for TCW standing in the doorway saying "knock, knock"

"Hey Bruce" Dick says when he sees him.

Barn did a double take, Dick had actually recognized someone and NOT cast him as an 80ties wrestler....

"Hey Champ, how is tricks Dick?" Bruce says and shakes Flehr's hand.


"Well champ I'm pretty WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE damn WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE good" Bruce says with a grin.

Barn shakes his head in despair, that's all he needed someone to urge Dick on.

"And I see you've got the belt all ... nice?"

Bruce had to pause for moment when he sees all the ice cream finger marks on the Aftershock title

"You know I'm stylin' and profilin' with the WWF title around my waist Bruce"

Dick tries to do the Flair strut but kinda ends up just wobbling around for a few seconds until he has to sit down to catch his breath.

"Looking good champ, stay in shape for Stranglehold" Bruce says and pads the old man on the shoulder

"What happens at Stranglehold" Barn asks

"Well he's got a title match doesn't he? Big time PPV show and we'd want the WWF World Champion to defend the gold!" Bruce explains


"Oh that reminds me, a present for the champion" Bruce says and holds out a white Styrofoam box.

"What is it?" Flehr says as he rips the lid off the box

"Well we're in Italy, land of Gelato so I went and got you some of the best home made ice cream ever made by man" Bruce says.

Dick doesn't anything at all he just looks at the ice cream in the box and drools.

"Bruce can I talk to you for a second" Barn asks and waves Bruce over to him so that Dick can't hear him.

"Sure thing Mike" Bruce says

"So you DO know my real name? Do you know who Dick is?" Barn asks

"Of course I do, it's Roger Adams and yes I also know he's living in a world of his own. But see my job here is to make everything run smoothly so it's better I just play along with it. Either that or we have him committed to an insane asylum, is that what you want?"

"He's harmless Bruce, I wouldn't want him put away... but I also want to keep him safe you know? He's an old man, he wasn't built for this life and you know that" Barn pleads

"Oh I realize that Mike, I do. Problem is that he's the Aftershock champion so I can't go totally light on him you know?" Bruce explains.

Barn sighs and reluctantly accepts that fact, then a thought crosses his mind.

"Why does he call you Bruce?"

"That's my name" Bruce says with a mischievous grin.

"No I mean everyone else around him he sees as a wrestler from the 80ties, each and everyone without exception. So why not you?" Barn asks.

"Because I'm Bruce"

"That's not an answer"

"Actually yes, yes it is" Bruce says, slaps Barn on the shoulder and then heads for the door.

He stops for a moment and looks at Dick Flehr who's covered in melted ice cream and loving every second of it.

"Good to see you're still the dirtiest player in the game" Bruce says although he probably doesn't mean it in the way it's usually meant.

*Back to ringside*

Dick Flehr vs. "Mr. Acceptable


Sammy Eubanks: "The following match is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit and it is NOT for the Aftershock title!!"

"He take the thunder from the mountain
He take a lightning from the sky
He bring a strong man to his begging knee
He make the young girl's mama cry."

Sammy Eubanks: "Introducing first from Jesup, Georgia weighing in at an average 255 pounds, here is "Mr. Acceptable" Chuck HAGAAAAAAAAAAN!!

TT: "This match should be... well it should be alright shouldn't it?"

IC: "Yeah very adequate, it won't make you pee yourself with excitement but I doubt you'll reach for the remote.

"You got to hidey-hide
You got to jump and run
You got to hidey-hidey-hide
The old man is down the road..."

Mr. Acceptable comes out with a smile on his face, holding one finger up in the air in what's probably one of the most used poses in wrestling. A few people cheer, some boo just because they want to be different but most people just flip through their programs to try and figure out who this totally average looking guy is.

BS: "Don't worry his opponent will get the fans on their feet I'm sure"

The opening notes to "Also sprach Zatahustra" are heard overlaid with a loud Dick Flehr WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE




BS: "Oh lord it's contagious"

The crowd WHEEEEs like they have been paid to do so as the Supa Natcha Boy enters the arena, followed by Barn Manderson who's carrying the Aftershock title for Dick (something about it not quite fitting around his waist) Flehr wobbles towards the ring, then stops half way down the aisle to open his robe as everyone holds their breath, hoping Flehr put his tights on.

IC: "Oh thank heavens for small favors"

TT: "I have never appreciated red trunks more than tonight guys"

Flehr wiggles out of his raggedy bathrobe, takes the Aftershock title from Barn and then climbs the steps. The Super Natcha Boy has to stop for a moment on the apron to catch his breath before stepping through the ropes and into the ring where Chuck Hagan is waiting with mild anticipation. Flehr holds the icecream stained Aftershock title up in the air and then WHEEs once more.

TT: "Alright we've got the Wee-wee out of the way here comes the bell"


Flehr shows his title to Mr. Acceptable but the old coot doesn't seem very impressed with it, he's seen better hell he's once touched better. Flehr hands the title off to the referee and then tries to do the Flair strut but just ends up falling flat on his face instead. Figuring that since the bell has rung it'd be acceptable for him to start the match now Mr. Acceptable drops a very solid and very technically sound elbow right to Flehr's back and then follows it up by another and yet another solid if unspectacular elbow drop to Flehr's back.

IC: "Kicking the match off in a perfectly acceptable manner"

BS: "I think we'll see a perfectly sound match here"

TT: "Which is surprising considering how bad a shape Flehr is in"

Hagan drops a knee to the back of Flehr's head, then locks in a chinlock from behind and starts to pull back on Dick's head driving the crowd to ... the middle of their seat.



IC: "Hey he's got a few people sorta interested"

Hagan spends the next 2-3 minutes working over Dick Flehr's neck with a series of chinlocks and headlocks that keeps twisting the champ's head in odd directions. Mr. Acceptable pulls Flehr to his feet and then hurls him into the corner, the Super Nacha Boy tries to flip over the top turnbuckle but the momentum and the weight is just too much for one ring rope to handle and the top turnbuckle snaps


The broken rope actually helps the short, fat Flehr to land on his feet and then "race" down the aisle only to be stopped about half way down by a clothesline from Mr. Acceptable.

BS: "Has that move ever worked?"

TT: "What are you talking about? It was devastating!! Just look at the ring!"

Mr. Acceptable looks at the ring where the top rope is looser than a drunk woman during Mardi Gras and shakes his head, this is NOT acceptable in his view. But since the referee doesn't stop the match Hagan has no option but continue, he's not a guy to complain. Chuck pulls Flehr into the ring and then foolishly goes for a body slam on the very heavy Dick Flehr.

IC: "Oh that's a mistake, the champion is... erm... shall we say hefty"

BS: "He's fatter than Rosie O'Donnell after a trip to the all you can eat buffet"

The weight is too much for Hagan as he falls to the ground with Flehr on top of him.




Mr. Acceptable manages to lift his shoulder off the canvas but he doesn't kick Flehr off




Flehr doesn't really do anything, he just stays where he is as he tries to gather his strength to get back to his feet.




IC: "Plenty of near falls in this very acceptable match"

Flehr finally gets up only to fall straight on his ass right on Mr. Acceptable's knee. To some that would be an accidental fall but to Dick Flehr it's as close to chain wrestling as it gets. Barn applauds Flehr's actions in the ring and it is true, he is about as athletic as ever - he even got right up after dropping his ass on Hagan!! Flehr raises a foot and then brings the foot down... on the canvas!

IC: "Hagan barely escapes the stomp by rolling out of the way"

Mr. Acceptable kicks at Flehr's knee three, four times and then gets to his feet to launch a series of blows to Flehr's more than ample mid-section. Hagan knows he can't pick the fat man up for a Tiger Driver '91 so instead he wraps his arms around Flehr's throat locking a sleeper hold on


The Sleeper seems to do it's job as Flehr fades further and further


That seems to instantly bring Flehr back to life as his eyes open wide, he starts to lick his lips and then he shoves backwards driving both of them into the corner. Due to the broken turnbuckle Mr. Acceptable hits the ringpost instead and then flips out of the ring to the floor while Flehr manages to stay in the ring.


Flehr goes over to Barn and demands the ice cream


Mr. Acceptable shakes his head trying to clear the cobwebs after taking the tumble to the floor.


TT: "They should have stopped the match when the rope broke!"

IC: "This isn't a WWF Tag-Team title match, it'll be okay"


Chuck is back on his feet, a little shaken but otherwise okay to continue.


"Mr. Acceptable" grabs the middle rope and is about to pull himself up when a hand reaches out from under the ring and grabs the old man around his boot.


TT: "What's going on?"

BS: "I thought it was obvious, Hagan is just too groggy to actually climb up on the ropes"


Mr. Acceptable tries to tear himself away from the grip.

IC: "Oh get real there is obviously someone stopping him"


Neither Flehr nor Barn seems to notice that Mr. Acceptable is struggling to get back in the ring instead Barn is trying to explain to Flehr that the ice cream is back in the locker room.


After having had enough of the mysterious hands holding on to him Mr. Acceptable reaches down and drags out the man from under the ring.

IC: "That's... that's who is that?"

TT: "It's the guy in the Masked Superstar mask that attacked Mr. Acceptable leading up to Havoc"



Sammy Eubanks: "The winner of the match, by count out - the Super Nacha Boy DICK FLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHR!!


While Flehr celebrates his "hard fought" victory Mr. Acceptable figures that the only acceptable answer to the Masked Superstar's heinous plot is to attack him. Something the Masked Superstar expected and quickly ducks out of, instead pushing Hagan face first into the ringpost.


Then the Masked Superstar picks up a chair and weighs it in his hands like he is trying to pick a good spot to hit Chuck Hagan.

IC: "Come on someone stop this!"

TT: "Here comes someone now!!"


James Hawk and Frankie Hayes come running down the aisle carrying chairs of their own to chase off the Masked Superstar. The masked man quickly takes off running with Frankie right behind him while James Hawk checks on Mr. Acceptable. Once Frankie is satisfied that he's chased the golden masked mystery man off he returns to ringside and helps Hawk pull Mr. Acceptable back to his feet.

TT: "It's good to see that sportsmanship isn't dead in TCW"

BS: "Feh!"

Mr. Acceptable says something to Hawk and Hayes and then offers them their hand in thanks for saving his neck.

"RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say
what's on my mind at, any given time of day!"

"Renegade" by Enimem & Jay-Z hits. Unfortunately for the trio, their celebration will not last long.

Racing down the ramp comes all members of Infinty, poised to strike. They hit the ring with a fury, turning on the entire group: Hawk and Hayes and Hagan, but Dick and Barn as well. The carnage explodes, fists flying.

When the dust settles, Infinity stands over the fallen fivesome. Highone holds a mic in his hand.

"So sorry we had to break up this little meeting, but we had to pick up something that belongs to us!"

Reaching down, Highone holds up the Aftershock title belt.

"Considering I held this belt for longer than anyone in its history, and considering Infinity completely owns this federation, I think this thing belongs to us now!

And Dick, if you want it back, you're going to have a hell of a fight on your hands. The rest of you chumps, when your heads clear, be sure to remember the message we've given you tonight!"

With that, Highone drops the mic, carrying the Aftershock belt, and Infinity makes their way backstage, leaving MVC, Mr. Acceptable, Dick and Barn laying in the middle of the ring.

We're backstage and Kermit is WALKING~!! And he's pissed off to boot, losing a tag-team title match doesn't exactly put you in a good mood after all. The dapper Don kicks the door to his locker room open, enters and then throws his gear in the corner.

"Temper, temper" a voice says.

Kermit twirls around ready to defend himself and see the new TCW Enforcer Bruce sitting in a chair in the corner, feet up, grin on his face.

"Hey how you doin'?" Bruce says and gets up.

"What do you want?" Kermit says dismissively, he's not in the mood to talk to any authority figures right now.

"I just came to introduce myself, I'm Bruce in case you didn't know" Bruce says and extends his hand.

Kermit looks at the hand for a moment, trying to figure out if Bruce was legit or not here. Then after a moment he grabs Bruce's hand and shakes it

"Kermit" he says.

"Yeah I know, I also know you're a real asshole" Bruce says still with a grin on his face and while shaking Kermit's hand.

"HEY!" Kermit says and pulls his hand away

"Oh no, no it's not like that, I like that in a person - in fact I'm a grade A asshole myself most of the time" Bruce says like it was a compliment.

"So other than to come here and tell me I'm an asshole what do you want?"

"I like you Kermit" Bruce says. When he sees the expression on Kermit's face he quickly explains himself "no not like THAT! I mean your methods, ruthless, take no shit from nobody - that's good."

Kermit doesn't say anything, a habit he's picked up after being interviewed by the police on countless of occasions.

"I think you've got quite a promising future in TCW."

"... thanks" Kermit says, he's still not sure why Bruce is even here.

"Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself, first day on the job and everything and I wanted to tell you to not beat yourself up over tonight's setback"

"Setback? I had the gold in my grasp, I was this close" Kermit says and holds up two fingers that are very close indeed.

"Like I said - I think you've got a bright future in TCW, it's not like it will be your last title opportunity, trust me." Bruce says.

Then for some reason he picks up Kermit's cellphone and hands it to him.

"What do I need that f..." but before he can finish it starts to ring.

Kermit looks at the phone, then he looks at Bruce trying to figure out exactly how Bruce would know the phone would ring.

"I'm Bruce, I know stuff" is his only reply before turning around and leaving the dressing room so that Kermit can take his call.

"Hello?... Gonz?... you didn't tell anyone you were going to call right?.... no reason"

*Fade out as Kermit tries to figure out how the hell Bruce could know the phone was about to ring.*

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:00 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
When we return after hearing about the "Save the Manatee" foundation and other weird and ultimately useless crap (In other words a commercial break) we see the grinning visage of Stephen LePage in the ring.

"Welcome back to Havoc where I, Stephen LePage, once again bring you the scoops and news that made me the logical choice for the new TCW magazine"

"Oh brother ever since he got that gig he's been totally annoying" Tex complains.

"Reminds me of a co-woker sitting right next to me at this very moment" Banter says and then grins his shark like grin.

"Two weeks ago Commissioner Stern announced the signing of a new talent to TCW, all she revealed was that she thought this guy was a superstar of the future and that his name was Strong" Stephen says ignoring the people booing him "And you've all seen the montages, this guy is apparently power personified, he's star power - he is STRONG!!"

The fact that Stephens makes a fist and flexes his arm doesn't really sell the whole "Strong" idea but well he's so clueless that he doesn't care.

"The rumors have been flying ever since, our message boards have been lit up with theories and fantasy booking and what not all about this guy. A guy we the public know very little about really. Well I'm here with the scoops for you, first of all the guys name is Steven Strong and second of all I've GOT AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH HIM RIGHT NOW!" LePage says and then poses like he's won the world title or something.

"So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen please welcome this rising star, this supernova to TCW." Stephen LaPage says as the "stomping/clapping" opening of "We will rock you" starts up.




The guitar slowly fades in as the crowd starts to stomp and clap along with the music, even the douche LePage is stomping and clapping along - after all the better the segment comes off the better HE looks.

"Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the streets gonna be a big man some day
You got the mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place

Blue flash bombs pop like machine gun fire all around the entrance.

*POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!* *POP!*

And then golden fireworks spring to life both from the ground and from the ceiling


"We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you"

After the fireworks stop and the smoke clears the crowd cheers as a figure walks out from the back

"Buddy you're a young man hard man"

The cheering of the crowd dies the instant the figure steps into the spotlight

"Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world someday"

"What the hell?" Banter blurts out as he see Steven Strong for the first time

"You got the blood on yo' face"

"This is a joke right?" Is LePage's only reaction when he sees Strong standing there in the spotlight

"You big disgrace"

Steven Strong is a 145 pound kid who can't be a day over eighteen. He stands there in the spotlight for a moment looking uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared as he looks around the sold out arena.

"Wavin' your banner all over the place"

Everything about this kid yells "geek" from his Superman T-shirt to his black tights that look like they're too big and his red knee pad and white boots combo.

"We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you"

The crowd doesn't quite know how to react to this, it's definitely NOT what they expected at all. A timid teenager who looks like he'd rather be at home playing the latest X-Box 360 game instead of the power monster everyone imagined he would be.

"Are we sure this is Steven Strong?" Cain asks as Strong walks up the steps and then climbs through the ropes.

"Excuse me kid but I'm waiting for Steven Strong, you can get an autograph later" LePage says hoping to god that this kid isn't who he's supposed to interview.

"I'm Steven Strong, people just call me Stevie" the kid says as he grabs his right elbow with his left hand and looks around with uncertainty.

"Let me get this right YOU are the bright star? The hope of the future?" LePage asks while rolling his eyes.

"I dunno about that, that was Commissioner Stern's idea really" Stevie explains.

"Oh so you know the Commissioner?... you're not her son are you?" LePage asks with dread in his voice, if the answer is yes then his career in TCW is boned.

"No! No I didn't even know her until she offered me a TCW contract" Stevie says, he looks very uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"So you don't even know Commissioner Stern?"

"No, but my mom does" Stevie reveals.

"Your... your MOM?" LePage asks in a voice that goes up a few octaves in surprise.

"Yeah... well... you see she goes to the same hairdresser as Mrs. Stern" he says meekly "And well my mom knows I want to be a pro-wrestler"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Your mommy got you the contract?" Stephen asks mockingly

Obviously not something Stevie Strong is super proud off.

"And what's this about wanting to be a pro?"

"I am a pro-wrestler!" Stevie says with a little defiance.

"Son how old are you?"

"I turned 18 five weeks ago" Stevie answers

"And how long have you been a pro?"

"Well ... erm four weeks and 6 days" he admits "That's how long I've been trying to get a booking" Stevie explains.

Stephen LePage looks like he's going to have a fit, he's rubbing his temples while trying to not lose it completely. This was supposed to be his big break, this was supposed to be THE moment for him

"I just want to wrestle, I just want to live my dream inside the squared circle" Stevie says and actually stands up straighter "I've wanted this since I was 5 years old and now I'm going to do it!!"

"Well ain't that swell" Stephen says sarcastically.

"How pathetic is this?"

Everyone's attention turns towards the entrance where Ian Sick, the manager of Agent Orange - last seen about a year ago - has turned up for some reason.

"You know when I decided to bring Agent Orange back to TCW and show them how it's really done I thought it was a class establishment, a place where men are men and boys are on the other side of the guardrail asking for autographs" Mr. Sick says with contempt.

"Listen sir, I don't want no trouble" Stevie says as Ian Sick approaches the ring.

"Then you shouldn't have bothered to show up, now Agent Orange will give you a lesson your momma didn't teach you" Ian says and signals to the back.

"What the hell?" Tex says as Agent Orange steps through the curtains.

"We've got a match!" Cain deducts

Impromptu Match: Agent Orange Vs Stevie Strong

Agent Orange runs down the aisle and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. LePage quickly ducks out of the way as Stevie Strong backs into the corner with a concerned look on his face.

BS: "He looks like a lamb as it's being led to slaughter"

TT: "Oh come on! Yeah he's a bit concerned but this is his first pro match"

IC: "Well no wonder I couldn't find anything on this guy, I was beginning to think I had lost my geekiness"

BS: "Don't worry that'll never happen"

Stevie approaches the Agent and extends his hand hoping to have a nice friendly start to the match. His hopes are quickly dashed as Agent Orange slaps Stevie's hand out of the way and then slaps the kid as well right across the cheek. Stevie's eyes bulge out in fear as Agent Orange attacks him with a series of lefts and rights that drives Strong into the corner where he ties to cover up as best he can while Agent Orange continues his onslaught.

BS: "Alright O!! Take it to him!"

TT: "O?"

IC: "Stevie isn't even defending himself he's just trying to cover up as best he can!"

Agent Orange pushes Stevie down on the middle rope and then steps up on the kid's back to choke him out against the ropes.


Stevie gags and flails as he tries to break the choke hold but he's just too weak to do so, fortunately a TCW official has made his way to the ring for this impromptu match and he's now counting for Agent Orange to break the hold.



Agent Orange actually bounces up and down on Stevie's back to inflict as much pain as he can before the 5 count



On four the orange clad maniac leaps off Stevie's back to let the kid recover. When the referee checks on Stevie the kid pleads with him to stop the match, to save him but the referee can't really do that without Stevie submitting. Before Stevie can verbally submit he's kicked in the back of the head with an Enzugiri as Agent Orange attacks Stevie Strong once more. When Agent Orange turns to show off to the crowd for a second Stevie tries to crawl out of the ring to get away from the masked maniac but he's caught by the boot before he can get out of harm's way.


Agent Orange ignores the crowd booing him and instead picks up the pleading Stevie Strong and hang him upside down in the corner for the Tree of Woe.

"FINISH HIM OFF" Ian Sick yells to his protégé.

The Orange madman looks at his manager giving him a hand signal, then he looks at Stevie as he tries his best to get out of his perilous predicament. Ian Sick gets up on the apron and yells at the referee, distracting him as Agent Orange goes over to Stevie once more. He pulls him up by the hair, then rubs his windpipe for some reason and




BS: "What the hell?"

IC: "The referee saw the mist! He saw Agent Orange spray Stevie with the orange mist, he must have called for the bell"

Sammy Eubanks: "Ladies and gentlemen the winner of the match by disqualification... Stevie Strong??"

Sammy can hardly believe that the scrawny kid won his debut match, then again Agent Orange isn't too pleased with the outcome either but he really had no one to blame but himself. When the Agent makes another lunge at Stevie he's stopped by the referee and then moments later escorted from the ring by a number of road agents.

"This isn't over kid! We'll run you out of here if it's the last damn thing we do" Ian Sick bellows right before he and the Agent are forced out of the arena.

"Not the most auspicious of debuts now was it?" Banter says with a grin.

Stevie looks like shit, let's not mince words here he looks like shit covered in orange paint. The referee even has to help the poor kid get back to his feet after Agent Orange kicked his ass so badly.

"Maybe you should get some training?" the referee asks Stevie but the kid is too distraught to even realize that someone was talking to him.

"Maybe he should get life insurance" Banter says and laughs.

"I... I'm speachless here, this was definitely not what I expected" Isaiah Cain says.

"At least we know who Stevie Strong is, who knows maybe he'll surprises us if he's actually got time to prepare for a match" Tex says trying to put a positive spin on things.

"Yeah and maybe you'll join Infinity" Banter quips as we take a quick time out to hype Stranglehold

Stranglehold - it will be AWESOME!!

Matt "Majestic Cup Winner" Strikmore vs. David Hardy

IC: Well, ladies and gentlemen, this next match will be something else!

TT: Two high-profile superstars and an unbalanced referee.

BS: Unbalanced, maybe. But unbiased. He hates them both.

The arena lights cut out. As the opening notes of "Kerosene" play, a few red lights illuminate the arena. On the tron, black-and-white images of rural squalor flash -- boarded-up storefronts, rusted cars on garbage-littered front lawns, old bums in stained shirts on their porches drinking malt liquor from bags, bloated dead animals on the side of the road.

"I was born in this town, lived here my whole life.
Probably come to die in this town, lived here my whole life.
Never anything to do in this town, lived here my whole life.
Never anything to do in this town, lived here my whole life.
Probably learn to die in this town, lived here my whole life."

The images continue, becoming a series of shots of one run-down house with peeling paint in the middle of a vast, empty expanse. Shots of the inside show piles of disintegrating old magazines, cigarette-burned carpet, an ancient TV with a cracked screen and piles of moldy dishes in a disgusting, roach-infested kitchen.

"Probably come to die in this town, lived here my whole life.
There's kerosene around, something to do.
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
There's kerosene around, find something to do
There's kerosene around, she's something to do.
Kerosene around, SET ME ON FIRE!"

Suddenly the black-and-white image of the old house is obliterated by a burst of flame that becomes a wall of fire. In front of the entrance, pillars of flame shoot up from the ground. A large man, head draped in a ragged black cloth and wearing a traditional black and white striped jersey with the sleeves cut off, emerges between the pillars of fire, grunting and snorting smoke.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, your special guest referee, DRAAAAAAKUS!!!

"Set me on fire, kerosene.
Set me on fire, kerosene.

Climbing into the ring, Drakus removes the cloth from his head, stretches both arms and unleashes a primal scream of rage.

TT: All that just for the referee?

BS: Are you going to tell him that he can't?

The arena lights slowly fade to black. After several moments, the heavy opening chords to their hit' "Everlasting Gaze" play. Multicolored spotlights flash from the entrance throughout the arena in tune with the symbol taps. Suddenly a huge Y2J-esque explosion erupts at the top of the ramp as the music kicks up. The music blasts for several seconds as a cloud of smoke covers the entranceway. Billy Corgan proceeds to sing.

"You know I'm not dead
You know I'm you know I'm not dead
You know I'm not dead
You know I'm not dead...

Now you know where I've been
As you sleep shine I am..."

David Hardy finally steps through the curtain and onto the stage. He shakes his head, smirking cockily. He makes his way to each end of the stage, playing to the crowd. .


"Waiting down... patiently...
Born of love...
You know I'm, you know I'm not dead,
I'm just living in my head
Forever waiting
On the ways of your desire
You always find your way"

He makes a D-Generation X style crotch chop at the crowd causing a mixed response among smarks and marks alike. Stopping in the middle of the stage again, he hops a few times, loosening his joints before bounding down to the ring. With a smooth slide, he dives under the bottom rope to the middle of the ring. With a somersault, he springs to his feet and jumps onto the turnbuckles.

"And through it all, into us all you move
Forgotten touch, forbidden thought"

He stares out into the crowd, an emotionless glare drawn across his face. He nods slowly at whoever seems to appreciate his greatness. After a few moments of absorbing the crowd reaction, he raises his arms above his head in what could only be described as the Randy Orton post. Shortly afterwards, he steps to the very top rope and launches himself backwards. With a graceful backflip, he lands on his feet and bounces a few times.

"We can never, ever know
You know I'm not dead!"

After the ovation, Hardy shuffles over to his corner and rests against the turnbuckles. He opens and closes his injured hand and remains oblivious to everything until the rest of the match begins.

The drum beats of "Battle of One" start as white lights strobe to the beat. The guitar riff starts, and blue strobes join the white lights. As the singer screams, Matt Strikmore makes his way through the entrance way. Wearing long brown tights with blue details, Matt rolls his neck before heading down the ramp.

Announcer: And his opponent, from Wildwood, New Jersey, he is the Majestic Cup winner...MAAAAAATT STRIIIIIIIIIIIIKMOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!

There's very little fanfare, just the occasional slapping of a fans hand without looking away from the ring. Sliding under the bottom rope, Matt quickly jumps back up to his feet before lightly jogging in place while shaking out his arms.

TT: Well folks, this is quite the threesome...

BS: Kate isn't out here, Tantrum.

TT: have one of Infinity's young stars battling a yet-to-be-defeated Majestic Cup winner, and that sadistic monster is thrown into the mix. This should be a slobberknocker.

Hardy and Strikmore begin circling to start. Hardy lunges forward, but moves back into his crouch. Finally, the two lock up collar and elbow and back into the corner with Strikmore against the turnbuckle.

No count comes. Drakus walks to another corner and rests his chin on his hand.

TT: What's Drakus doing?

Hardy breaks the hold on his own, takes a few steps back, and looks at Drakus. Drakus just shrugs. Hardy looks back at Strikmore before backing a few more steps into the center of the ring.

Strikmore now follows after his own glance at Drakus. The two lock up again. Strikmore locks Hardy in a hammerlock. Hardy reverses. Strikmore reverses again. To break up the hold, Hardy hooks the top rope with his arm. Again, there is no count.

Strikmore breaks the hold on his own and both look over at Drakus, who is still leaning against the turnbuckle. Drakus waves them on, looking bored.

IC: It doesn't look like we'll get much officiating from Drakus in this match.

TT: Then why is he even out here?

Strikmore and Hardy look back at each other and tie up once again in the center of the ring. Strikmore straps on a wristlock. Hardy reverses. Strikmore reverses. And Hardy lands a punch to Strikmore's head.

Strikmore reels toward the ropes, and Hardy whips him to the other side. Hardy nails a dropkick and quickly locks on a reverse chinlock. Drakus lets out an exaggerated sigh from the corner.

Strikmore gets to one knee, then to his feet. After nailing a few elbows to Hardy's ribs, he whips himself into the ropes and delivers a short clothesline. Strikmore lands a quick elbow before going for a cover...

...Drakus wanders forward, and then to a different corner.

Hardy already has a shoulder up as Strikmore glares at Drakus. Strikmore gets to his feet and gestures to the referee. We can see the words, "What are you doing?"

While Strikmore is distracted, Hardy lands a forearm to the back of Strikmore's head. Strikmore stumbles into the ropes and Hardy whips him to the other side. Strikmore holds the ropes as Hardy attempts another dropkick and lands on his ribs. Strikmore quickly moves in and lands a few kicks to the midsection.

IC: Here comes some of Strikmore's signature offense, focusing on his opponent's midsection!

Strikmore pulls Hardy to his feet and whips him into the corner, following up with a quick shoulder to the midsection. Strikmore lands a few quick jabs at Hardy's ribs before whipping him to the other side. Strikmore charges, but Hardy ducks out of the way and Strikmore hits the turnbuckle sternum first.

Hardy clutches his side as Strikmore falls to the mat.

TT: Well, so far this hasn't been pretty!

Hardy moves in on Strikmore now, landing an axe-handle to his head. Hardy pulls his opponent back to his feet and delivers some punches to his head. Now Strikmore is in the corner as Hardy lands a few short kicks to his gut.

Hardy goes to whip Strikmore to the other side, hangs on, and whips him back into the turnbuckle. As Strikmore stumbles out, Hardy delivers a quick Olympic Slam and covers...

...and Drakus does nothing. He just smirks at Hardy.

TT: That was our first legitimate pin opportunity, and that damn Drakus won't count!

BS: Just ‘cause he wears the shirt, doesn't mean he has to count a pin.

TT: That doesn't make any damn sense at all, Banter.

BS: It makes sense to me and Drakus. You just aren't in the know.

Hardy gets to his feet and now it's his turn to yell at Drakus. Drakus just keeps smiling.

Sensing that his yelling is an exercise in futility, Hardy turns back to Strikmore and pulls him to his feet once again. Hardy lands a few more punches and whips Strikmore into another corner. Strikmore stumbles out once again and this time Hardy hits a spinning heel kick. This aggravates his ribs and Hardy has to take a moment to regroup.

IC: The effects of Strikmore's earlier attack are keeping Hardy from following up!

BS: Brilliant, Cain.

Hardy finally does recover enough to pull Strikmore up yet again. Hardy shoves his opponent into the corner, and lifts him onto the turnbuckle. Hardy has to take another moment for his ribs, and then ascends.

TT: What's this gonna be?

Clutching Strikmore's head, Hardy leaps, catches Strikmore's head between his legs, and flips him to the mat.

IC: A hurricarana on Strikmore! And here comes another cover!

Drakus still refuses to count, and now Hardy is irate. He takes a few steps toward the bigger man and is now screaming at him to do his job. Drakus just keeps smirking, and this only agitates Hardy more.

Strikmore begins to stir behind Hardy, who takes no notice. He's too hyped up at Drakus to see him sneak up and attempt a schoolboy...

...and Drakus doesn't count for that either. Hardy easily kicks out anyway and decides to take out his frustration on Strikmore some more.

Hardy lands an elbow to Strikmore's skull to subdue him once again. He pulls Strikmore to his feet and whips him back into the corner. This time, Strikmore is able to duck a Hardy charge, hit a boot to the midsection, and drop his opponent with a DDT.

Both men are down, and Drakus doesn't care.

Strikmore crawls over to the ropes and tries to steadily climb to his feet. Hardy does the same on another side of the ring. Hardy moves in and Strikmore hits a boot to the midsection. Hardy stumbles into the corner and Strikmore capitalizes with a few more shoulders to the ribs.

Shaking more of the cobwebs free, Strikmore racks Hardy across his shoulders, and hits a heightened gutbuster across his knee.

Now Strikmore goes for the pin...

...and of course no one is there to count.

Strikmore decides better than to argue and continues his assault. He pulls Hardy to his feet, whips him into the ropes, and hits a spear.

IC: Strikmore is really working on those ribs now!

Strikmore follows up with a few punches and hits a legdrop. He covers... one there. Drakus exaggerates a yawn.

Strikmore pulls Hardy to his feet once again, who hits a punch out of nowhere. Strikmore returns the punch. Hardy hits another. The two furiously exchange blows to the head before Strikmore is finally backed into the corner.

Favoring his ribs, Hardy whips Strikmore to the other side. Strikmore arches his back as it connects with the turnbuckle and he sinks to his knees. Sensing another opportunity, Hardy charges and hits a shining wizard.

Strikmore is now laid out, and Hardy decides to finish this. Hardy ascends to the top, poises, and launches a 450 splash...but he connects with nothing but canvas as Strikmore rolls away at the last possible second.

Hardy yells in pain, clutching his ribs once again. Strikmore takes a moment to recover his senses.

Drakus does nothing.

TT: Are we going to see anything from Drakus here?

BS: Don't worry about it.

Strikmore climbs to his feet, using the ropes for leverage. Hardy is still rolling on the mat. Strikmore slowly pulls Hardy up and shoves him to the corner.

Sensing an opportunity of his own, Strikmore racks Hardy up yet again, makes sure he has even footing, and easily lands Morey's Pier Plunge.

Strikmore covers...and gets nothing from Drakus.

Now Strikmore can't control himself any more. He walks toward Drakus and begins yelling. Drakus regains his smirk and this time deigns to flip Strikmore off.

That does it. Strikmore shoves Drakus, who looks down at his chest incredulously.

And for that, Drakus commits his first official referee act by signaling for the bell.

TT: That's what it took for Drakus to get involved?

Strikmore looks toward the timekeeper, which is his second mistake. Drakus lands a hard forearm to Strikmore's skull and throws him into the corner, hitting a flury of punches.

Drakus turns to get himself a running head start for more, but is met with a savatte kick by Hardy. Drakus stumbles toward the ropes, rolling his head from side to side. Strikmore and Hardy deliver a double clothesline, sending Drakus to the floor.

The three men continue a loud verbal exchange while the announcer stands.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner as a result of a disqualification...DAAAAVID HAAAAAAARDY!!

Drakus continues yelling at both men as a crowd of referees move in to keep him from re-entering the ring.

TT: This is Strikmore's first loss of any kind, I believe! And it's all because his temper got the best of him!

BS: Yeah, well, now he's got Drakus mad. He should be more worried about that!

The three men continue shouting as we head to the back.

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:00 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
darkness vs. the Acid Misfit

Sammy Eubanks: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


The crowd erupts as Darkness's music begins and, on the Twistedtron, an image of the full moon behind dark, scattered clouds appears. Gradually, it fades and is replaced by the flaming pentagram logo of the New Hellfire Club. Abruptly, the view changes to one of a locker room door with the word ‘Darkness' written on it...

<i>I am the man who walks alone... </i>

The door opens, revealing Darkness standing, head bowed.

<i>And when I'm walking a dark road,
At night or strolling through the park...</i>

The camera pans out, showing that the door to the locker room is framed by half a dozen members of DanteCorp Security. Darkness nods to them and steps out into the corridor, the guards quickly falling into step as the camera follows Darkness's progress from a couple of feet in front of him.

<i>When the light begins to fade, I sometimes feel a little strange,
A little anxious when it's dark...

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark,
I have a constant fear that something's always near... </i>

After walking down several corridors, Darkness -escort in tow - has reached the Gorilla position and he pauses for a few seconds as the anticipation of the crowd reaches fever pitch.

<i>Fear of the dark (YOU!) </i>

The crowd chants in unison with the music: **FEAR OF THE DARK!**

<i>I have a phobia that someone's always...there... </i>

A huge explosion of pyro from the entrance stuns everyone in the arena and, as ‘Fear of the Dark' kicks in; Darkness hurtles from behind the curtain and down the ramp at full speed. The crowd is chanting Darkness's name as, seemingly defying physics, he leaps from the arena floor and into the ring in one smooth bound, driving one fist into the mat and causing the entire structure to visibly tremble.

<i>Have you run your fingers down the wall,
And have you felt your neck skin crawl,
When you're searching for the light? </i>

Sammy: In the ring, weighing in at 218lbs...from Chicago, Illinois...he is a member of the NEW HELLFIRE CLUB...DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARKNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkness crosses the ring and ascends the turnbuckle. He roars at the crowd as they cheer for him, soaking up their adulation and seemingly drawing power from it.

<i>Sometimes when you're scared to take a look,
At the corner of the room,
You're scared that someone's watching you...</i>

Darkness raises his arms above his head.

<i>Fear of the dark! Fear of the dark!</i>

Tex: Darkness was not in competition last week after he was eliminated by Drakus in the finals of the Majestic Cup. There's a lot of questions surrounding that, as well as Darkness's appearance at the end of the Titanium Insomniac's match...

Banter: It was obvious he just wanted to ogle Freya.

Tex: Whatever his reasons, Darkness will face TI at Stranglehold, live on pay-per-view, but first, he has to face a mystery opponent - Isaiah?

Cain: The poll on says that the fans think he's going to be going up against...*coughs* "braindead zombie MJoy"...I think we can probably rule that one out...

Banter: You really think so...with this guy involved?

Cain: Good point.

Darkness is pacing in the ring, not looking in the least bit concerned about who his opponent might be. For a second, the arena is silent but for the buzz of anticipation from the crowd.

Suddenly, as the lights dim and strobe lights flash across the entrance, a familiar riff starts up. Immediately, thirty-thousand fans rise to their feet in unison.

Tex: Can it be?!

Cain: It's some months since we've heard this music! And this might be one of Darkness's greatest challenges yet!

After 35 seconds of Mike Ness's screeching guitar riffs, the vocals start and a figure appears on the stage, hands poised nonchalantly on his hips as the fans already begin to chant his name.

<i> Mommy's little monster dropped out of school,
Mommy's little monster broke all the rules.
He loves to go out drinking with the boys,
He loves to go out and make some noise.
He doesn't wanna be a doctor or a lawyer get fat rich.</i>

The man steps onto the ramp revealing that his hair is dyed green today. Nodding to the fans, he removes his stained wife-beater, leaving only his dirty, torn jeans as his wrestling attire.

<i> He's 20 years old he quit his job,
Unemployment pays his rent!
His brothers sisters have tasted sweet success,
His parents condemn him, say "his life's a mess!"
He's mommy's little monster, he's not afraid to admit it.
He's mommy's little monster, don't wake him in a fit!!!
Mommy's little monster shoots methadrine,
Mommy's little monster had sex at 15
She left home for the streets,
She couldn't deal with all that heat.
She had fun with the boys in the band,
In her eyes it will never end.
Her dad asked what happened to her face,
It could have happened in any place!!!</i>


Misfit rolls into the ring and ascends the turnbuckle, lifting his arms as the crowd continues to chant his name over and over.

Tex: What a triumphant return for Misfit!

Cain: This is incredible...Misfit left to little fanfare after Road to Glory, but his return has clearly been anticipated. Misfit has always been a hugely popular member of the roster.

Banter: Well at least this means Darkness might get his ass kicked again...

Tex: Indeed. Misfit is, as you just heard, a former Tag Team and World's Heavyweight Champion - if anyone can make short work of the NHFC's poster boy, it's this man.

Cain: Two former World Champion's are squaring off - I think it's fair to say that this is something of a dream match, isn't it, Tex?

Tex: No doubt. Misfit won the 411fed Championship as Darkness was in the midst of his meteoric rise through the ranks, and they would have contested the Unified Championship if Rachel Hunter hadn't beaten Misfit at Endgame last year. These two have <i>never</i> faced each other in any circumstances and have only ever stepped in the same ring on two occasions - in the 2005 Road to Glory and in a six-man tag match last year, where they fought on the same side.

Banter: So no one knows what's going to happen?

Cain: Nope.

Contrary to the fans and the announcers, Darkness doesn't seem in the least surprised by Misfit being revealed as his opponent, and merely waits calmly as the chants die down. Misfit hops down from the turnbuckle and the bell rings as the two face off.

They lock up to start. Darkness overpowers Misfit and muscles him into the corner but gives a clean break as the referee intervenes. They circle and Misfit dashes in and gets an armdrag. Darkness is straight up, but is taken down with a snapmare.

Tex: Both men are taking each other's measure earlier on. What are your thoughts, Isaiah?

Cain: Darkness has one hell of a record backing him up in the last couple of years, which Misfit can't match, but if he's recovered anything like his early form during his hiatus...I just don't know...

Darkness is up on his feet and leaps up into a hurricanrana. Misfit skids straight upright as he lands and charges, but Darkness brings him down with a drop-toe-hold. The NHFC member hops forward into a side-headlock, but Misfit executes a back suplex, only for Darkness to land on his feet and push Misfit into the ropes. Misfir falls backwards and Darkness falls with him, rolling him up into a pin...


And Misfit kicks out, sending Darkness face-forward. The former tag-champ immediately mounts him and grabs a full-nelson. He heaves Darkness up to his feet and tries a full-nelson bomb, but Darkness counters with a mid-air armdarg!

Banter: Wow!

Tex: I'm not even sure how he did that...what an incredible counter!

Misfit is straight up though with a dropkick, and Darkness goes down. Misfit drops a knee, but the former Unified Champion rolls out of the way and gets a waistlock from behind. He goes for a back suplex, but Misfit reverses it into a bulldog and covers again...


But Darkness kicks right out.

Darkness kips up and gets an armdrag. Misfit rolls to his feet and comes off the ropes with a flying elbow. Both men go down, but then kip up simultaneously. They exchange armdrags quickly.

Cain: I'm getting out-of-breath watching this...

Tex: I think the fans are expecting a break in the action any second, but I'm not sure they're going to get it.

Misfit hops up for a crucifix pin, but Darkness rolls right through and back up to his feet with Misfit still on-board. Misfit drops to his feet instead and switches the hold to an inverted-front-facelock. He drops Darkness hard on his knee.

Tex: Spinal Remains! A brutal back-breaker!

Misfit pins...



And Darkness kicks out!

Misfit stands up and Darkness kicks him in the face while still on his back and then performs a backward roll-cum-handstand up onto his feet. He nails Misfit with a martial-arts kick to the gut and then an elbow-strike that flips his green-haired opponent over onto his back. He pins...

One..., kick out!

Misfit rolls up to his feet. They trade right-hands, and Misfit gets an Irish-whip. Darkness attempts a clothesline, but Misfit ducks and comes around. He kicks Darkness in the midsection and grabs a handful of hair before leaping up and driving his opponent's head into the mat.

Cain: The Cretin Hop! Misfit could win right here!

Misfit covers...


But Darkness kicks right out.

Misfit catches his breath for a second, but Darkness doesn't let up, getting a series of rapid martial arts strikes that force Misfit back to the ropes. Darkness goes for a clothesline, but Misfit ducks down and back-drops him over the ropes.

Darkness lands on the apron as Misfit takes a few steps into the ring, turning just in time to meet a springboard hurricanrana from Darkness!

Tex: Incredible agility! We're seeing some amazing wrestling here!

But Misfit holds on as Darkness flexes back and heaves him up onto his shoulders. Grunting, he throws him off his shoulder and drops him down into a Manhattan drop, followed by a big DDT.

He tries for a pin, but Darkness reverses and flips Misfit into a fujiwara armbar. Misfit rolls out of the hold and twists Darkness over into another inverted-front-facelock and grabs a hammerlock with it

Tex: And that's the Clampdown, one of Misfit's signature holds!

Banter: Does he name all his moves?

Cain: Only the good ones.

Darkness struggles for a second, but then manages to plant his feet on the floor and, with immense effort, flexes upright with Misfit on his shoulder. He drops to his knees, sending Misfit bouncing off.

Tex: What a counter! Both of these men are busting out everything in their arsenals tonight.

Cain: Both of them want the prestige of beating the other - they're taking no mercy.

Tex: And if Misfit gets a win over Darkness here, that's going to make him a hot property - if indeed he's returned to full-time action. Maybe he'll be receiving a visit from Infinity?

Both men take a few seconds to recover while the crowd continues to chant alternately for both men as they have throughout the match so far.

Banter: Can't people in Italy make up their minds or something?

Tex: Both Darkness and Misfit are two of the most popular TCW stars of all time - the loyalty of the fans is not so much divided as it is shared.

Cain: I think everyone here is chanting for <i>both</i> of them!

Darkness recovers first and goes for a superkick, but Misfit ducks and trips him. He flips over into a bridge...


But Darkness flexes upwards and they twist over. Darkness tries to pick his foe up for a piledriver, but Misfit resists and heaves Darkness up onto his back instead. Darkness manages to reach the ropes and, in an incredible gymnastic feat, pulls himself upright and handstands vertically on the ropes.

Tex: I...whoa...

Cain: Now that <i>is</i> impressive.

Banter: What a show-off...

Misfit turns ‘round and Darkness immediately flips over onto his feet and moonsaults off, catching Misfit with a body press. He covers...



And Misfit kicks out!

Both men face off for just a moment, before Misfit gets an elbow strike and attempts a belly-to-belly, but Darkness headbutts him and then grabs him by the throat...

Tex: The Blackout Slam? This could be over right here!

Darkness lifts Misfit off his feet, but as he does, Misfit grabs him arm in midair and pulls him down into an armbar!

Cain: Holy shit...

Darkness struggles for the ropes and finally gets them and Misfit breaks the hold straight away, drawing a small round of applause. As Darkness stands, Misfir gets a northern-lights suplex as holds the bridge...


T...and a kick out!

Darkness grabs a front-facelock as he stands and executes a vertical suplex, floating over for the pin, but Misfit kicks right out and pulls Darkness into a small package only for his opponent to also kick out straight away. There's another double-kip up followed by another round of applause.

Banter: Hey, how long has this match been going on anyway?

Tex: I'm not sure, why?

Banter: We still have a fifteen minute time-limit, right?

Cain: Yup.

Banter: They should really get a move on then. My watch says 12 minutes.

Darkness gets a monkey flip, and Misfit lands hard. Darkness rushes to the corner and bounds up for a moonsault, but Misfit is up too quickly and catches him in midair. The veteran drops Darkness down hard on his neck and shoulders and...



Th...and Darkness gets his shoulder up!

Tex: Great move from Misfit. Not sure what to call it though...

Cain: It was Emerald Froison, Tex - the rumour is that Misfit's been in Japan and, if that's the case, he obviously picked a few things up.

Misfit stomps Darkness down and signals for the Blitzkrieg Drop. Moving slowly in exhaustion, he climbs the turnbuckle, pauses at the top for a few seconds as the crowd reaches fever pitch and then comes off, covering half the ring with his incredible leap.

Unfortunately, Darkness rolls out of the way and catches Misfit in a front-facelock as the impact bounces him upwards...

Tex: Darkness DDT!

But somehow Misfit manages to stop the motion halfway through and flexes up into a northern lights suplex. Darkness flips over onto his feet though.

Tex: Well, you might have been joking before, Banter, but these guys really are going to have to wrap this up soon - we need a winner in the next minute!

Misfit twists upright and gets a butterfly hold.

Cain: Be careful what you wish for - here comes the Bad Brains!

Misfit lifts Darkness up, but the NHFC member counters and twists Misfit ‘round into a backlside pin...



Thr...kick out!

Misfit is moving as fast as he can, evidently sensing that the time-limit is about to run out. He tries to get a kick to the gut, but Darkness catches it and trips him. He grabs Misfit's leg and reaches for the other...

Tex: I think Darkness is looking for the Darkshooter - and he needs to do it fast.

He reaches for Misfit's other leg and attempts the grapevine, but Misfit is still resisting...

And the bell rings!

The crowd lets out a hubbub of confusion and Darkness and Misfit both look around with frowns.

Sammy Eubanks: Ladies and gentleman, the fifteen minute time limit has expired!

There are loud boos from the fans, but Misfit and Darkness both step apart from each other, nodding slowly.

Sammy: As a result, this match is a draw!

There's a pause and, gradually, the crowd begins to applaud as both Darkness and Misfit's hands are raised by the referee.

Tex: Well, they really did take each other's measure. That was one hell of a match, and I don't think either man could have said they got the best of their opponent, even if we'd seen a winner.

In the ring, Darkness gestures for a microphone. Misfit stands, hands on his hips again, breathing hard as the NHFC member raises it to his lips.

Darkness: Well fought, Misfit...well fought...

He extends his hand and, for a second, Misfit looks at it. The crowd falls quiet as Misfit considers and then, slowly, takes the hand and shakes it firmly. Darkness raises Misfit's arm and both men are cheered thunderously by everyone in the arena.

Cain: One hell of a match, and both these guys are class acts. Is Misfit back permanently now though?

Tex: I guess we'll see, and I guess we'll see what comes of that handshake...

We're backstage in one of the Infinity VIP dressing rooms, specifically the one that belongs to the Titanium Insomniac. The Insomniac is in the middle of his pre-match routine that involves a cigarette and reading a dog eared copy of a Shakespeare play, tonight's selection "the taming of the Shrew"

Maybe TI is trying to tell us something about his plans for Dante or maybe he's just in the mood for a comedy, it's hard to tell.

The Insomniac doesn't even lift his silver painted visage from the book as he greets his guest.

"I was wondering when you'd show up" TI says and then flips the page.

"I heard you were back" the voice says as the camera pans out to reveal a deadpan Bruce standing in the doorway of TI's locker room.

"Funny I just heard the same thing about you" the Insomniac replies nonplussed by Bruce's appearance in his locker room.

"So it drew you back in?" Bruce says as he approaches Bruce

"Likewise I see" TI says still without taking his eyes off the book.

"This place has got a certain... something that just draws you in, once it's got it's dark hooks in you you can't stay away"

"How poetic Bruce" TI says and finally looks up

"Yeah well I'm no Shakespeare" Bruce admits

"No" is T.I.'s only, what else can he say?

"We've had our problems in the past, hell I'd say more than problems but that's not what this is about" Bruce says finally getting to the point of his visit.

"So tell me "Mr. Enforcer" what is this about?" TI asks and takes another drag on his cigarette

Bruce points to the Bleeder title that's draped over the back of a chair.

"I see, come to take it from me? Found some obscure loophole to take the title away from me and give it back to the girl?" TI says with contempt.

"See there you go thinking I'm here with a vendetta against you, I'm not - I'm here to do what is best for the federation." Bruce says as he tries to sound friendly.

"Ah smashing we'll do tea on Friday then" TI replies, TI doesn't seem to believe Bruce's claims of neutrality.

"Your title" Bruce says getting back to the point he was trying to make "There will be a slight rule change, something that I think is more in the spirit of the man" Bruce says, he doesn't even have to invoke the name and everyone knows what Bruce is talking about

"Go on" TI says, not sure if he really wants to hear this.

"Until now the rule was that you can't win a Bleeder title match without being busted open. Well that'll change, the new rule is that if you bust the champion open then you can win the title by pinfall or submission" Bruce explains.

TI looks at Bruce, the change doesn't seem to rattle him one little bit.

"And well when I say if you can make the champion bleed you can win the title I mean ANY TIME the champion bleeds the man that caused it can go for the Bleeder title"

That made TI stop and pay attention.

"ANY TIME? So if you hit me over the head with the chair and busted me open you could pin me and win the title?? Anywhere? Any time?" TI ask and points to the steel chair.

Both guys look at the chair in question, tension building between them as Bruce looks at the chair with a crooked grin, almost as if he contemplates doing just that to TI.

"Naw" Bruce says.

"I knew you were just trying to screw with my head before my match" TI says and picks the book up again.

"Naw I mean I can't do it now, the rule isn't in effect until midnight tonight. After that it's on, if you bleed your title is at risk. So any match you have from now on is potentially a Bleeder title match, any time you show up on TCW TV you could potentially have a Bleeder title match" Bruce explains.

"And between shows?" TI asks.

"Oh no, no it's not a 24/7 rule. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear, only during TV shows and PPVs naturally. We want the cameras to catch it of course." Bruce says with a grin, he intentionally kept that bit of information back just to see if it would rattle the Insomniac.

"And the second I lose the title you forget about that rule"

"No, like I said this isn't about you - it's about keeping the spirit of Bleeder alive through the title, the sense of unpredictability he had about him. See it's not about you at all, you just happen to hold the Bleeder title" Bruce says and walks off.

"Well lucky me" TI says as he squashes his cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:01 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
Titanium Insomniac vs. Jason C. Dante

Sammy Eubanks: The following contest neither for the Bleeder title nor for the Unified World Heavyweight Title, scheduled for one-fall...introducing first...

The drums of P. Diddy's 'Come With Me' kick in as the arena goes dark. A weathered sign along a graveled country road appears on the screen with the words 'Welcome to Bedlam' carved into it.

The guitars kick in, we move to quick shots between riffs. The shots alternate between footage of TI in the ring and black and white art film clips. The clips are disturbing, somewhat incoherent. They only make sense to the one who filmed them.

<i>"Hear my cry, hear my call
Lend me your ears, see my fall" </i>


The stage opens. Strobe lights flash as Titanium Insomniac rises from beneath, his Bleeder Championship belt gleaming around his waist.

<i>"Know I'm lacking, backtracking
Where I met you, pistol-packing" </i>

The clips continue to roll: TI puts an opponent through a table, a woman screams in melodramatic terror, TI smashes someone's head with a chair, a centipede crawls over a man's lifeless face...

<i>"Tell me lies, Time flies
Close your eyes, come with me" </i>

TI lingers at the top of the stage for a moment, surveying the crowd as the orchestra crescendoes. He finally starts toward the ring, a cocky swagger about him. He knows he is dangerous because he doesn't care. If he were to die tonight, it wouldn't matter.

He climbs through the ropes and smirks at his opponent as red and blue police lights flash above the ring.

<i>"Not many would bear the pressure,
You comprehend me,
You musn't end me,
You offend me, it's trauma,
Feel the drama, come with me." </i>

TI removes his trenchcoat as the lights come up. He removes the belt from his waist and studies it for a moment before handing it over.

Tex: Like it or not, the Titanium Insomniac is the reigning Bleeder Champion. He hasn't shared with us just how he feels about that, but you gotta believe that that belt means something for TI and there's no denying its prestige.

Cain: Sure thing. The Bleeder Title is unique in all of professional wrestling. I wouldn't say that it means more than the Unified World's Title, but there's no denying that it's a whole different class of accolade. That a legend the calibre of Titanium Insomniac is holding it is a testimony to that.

Banter: I think the last champ was hotter, but I prefer it around the waist of an Infinity member.

Tex: Holding that belt is quite a coup for their faction - what would a win over the World's Champion be though?

Cain: It'd be something. It'd sure be something.


The burning pentagram of the NHFC appears on the Twistedtron as the lights go out. Silhouetted in the entrance Dante can be seen standing conspicuously alone.

<i>I'm not too hell bent on your cradled views.
I'm not too hell bent on spit shined shoes.
I'm not too hell bent on your broken prayer.
I'm not too hell bent nor do I care. </i>

Dante steps out from the entrance way. His usual white attire is now replaced by uninterrupted black. The gold 411fed belt is around his waist and the ECF "Big White Belt" is slung over his left shoulder.

Banter: Hey, where's Selenia?

Tex: No Selenia tonight...the word backstage is that she hasn't been seen in a week or two.

Cain: Dante may just be keeping his intoxicating lover out of the public eye for now, but I have an odd feeling that there's more to it than that.

<i>I'm not your spitshine.
I'm not your spitshine.
I'm not your dirty whore.
Must I constantly remind you I am not the tie that binds you not your masterpiece or your reward? </i>

Dante walks down the ramp as the deep red lightning casts his chiselled features into harsh shadows. He ignores the cheering fans, concentrating solely on his opponent in the ring.

<i>Tell me what you want from me.
Tell me who you want me to be.
Self portrait of yourself you see in me.
Don't go trying to fix me.
Not a fucking thing wrong with me.
Not some sculpture you can mould out of clay. </i>

Sammy Eubanks: And his opponent ...weighing in at 242 pounds..from the City of Dis in the 6th circle of hell... HE IS A MEMBER OF THE NEW HELLFIIIIIIIIRE CLUB AND THE 411FED AND ECF UNIFIED WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION....JAAAAAAAAAAAAASOOOOOOOOOON DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans cheer, but Dante does not acknowledge their reaction or the announcement of his name and titles.

<i>I'm not your spit shine.
I'm not your spit shine.
I'm not your dirty whore.
Must I constantly remind you I am not the tie that binds you not your masterpiece or your reward.</i>

Tex: Dante is ‘the man' right now. He may have his doubters - Infinity we know have been vocal about Dante and the NHFC being a ‘spent force' in interviews all across the internet right now, but while he holds those belts, the two most prestigious trophies in professional wrestling today, he's the man to beat. He's the top dog.

Banter: Ain't that a bitch?

Cain: Pardon?

Banter: Before your time...

The lights come back on as Dante enters the ring. He climbs the steps slowly, undoing the 411fed belt from his waist and pausing as he climbs through the ropes.

<i>I'm not your spit shine.
I am cancer's Christ.
I'll make you little whore.
I hope you choke on my own cyanide.
Tastes like cancer on the inside.
Once I take you, then you'll be pure.</i>

Dante and TI stare holes through each other for a second before, abruptly, Dante drops his belts to the mat and charges right at his opponent.

Cain: Whoa! Dante wastes no time!

Dante assaults TI with a flurry of chops and right hands, forcing him right against the ropes. The bell rings belatedly as Dante sends TI across the ring with an Irish whip driving into TI with a big elbow on the way back that knocks the larger man off his feet.

Tex: The World's Champion is rabid! He's attacking the Insomniac with a ferocity we haven't seen in him for quite some time!

Dante stomps TI and tries for a pin early on...


But TI kicks right out.

Banter: Did he really think he was going to get that?

Cain: Dante is in the unique position of maybe being the underdog in this match, despite the gold around his waist. He needs to strike hard and fast.

Dante doesn't let up, bringing TI up and stunning him with a big right hand. He whips TI into the corner and then follows him in with a series of knife edge chops.


Tex: TI could be in trouble already. He needs to halt Dante's momentum as quickly as he can or the champion could make short work of him.

Dante brings TI out from the corner. H delivers an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline before getting another cover...



Cain: And it was close there. We've been talking about TI wanting the win over Dante, but what would it mean for the World Champion to get the pin here, Tex?

Tex: It'd be huge - as huge as anything the champ has done in his storied career. It'd also be huge for the NHFC - the Insomniac is the jewel in Infinity's crown and to beat him here would be incredible for them.

Cain: What does it mean for their matches at Stranglehold?

Tex: Titanium Insomniac needs to be on top going into his match with Darkness; a match that's as big and important as any match we've ever seen. And Dante needs the momentum if he's going to prevail against whomever earns the title shot tonight. Both of these men have a lot to lose and gain tonight.

Cain: No doubt.

Dante gets another Irish whip, but this time TI ducks the elbow and gets a neckbreaker on the way past. He gets up to his feet and punches Dante as he's down, repeatedly driving his fist into the albino's face.

Banter: Yes!

Cain: TI is fighting back. This could be the turning point...

Dante fights back, raking the eyes, but TI kicks him in the chest and sends him down. There's a pause in the action as TI recovers and catches his breath. Seconds later, TI takes hold of Dante and executes a swift vertical suplex before dropping an elbow. Dante fights back though with a kick to the face and suddenly gets a small package out of nowhere!


Two..., TI kicks out at the last possible moment!

Tex: A near fall! A <i>damn</i> near fall!

TI is right up after kicking out and gets a chokehold. Dante struggles against it and head-butts his way out.

Cain: The action here is simply brutal - brutal and furious.

Tex: Neither of them are giving an inch. Neither man can afford to lose.

Dante nails more chops and then looks for a brainbuster. TI counters and reverses into a suplex, but he's close to the ropes and Dante goes right over, landing hard on the outside.

Banter: Haha! Down and out!

Tex: Dante is indeed down on the outside; a great move by TI that has bought him precious breathing room.

TI catches his breath and then climbs out of the ring. Dante meets him with a punch to the gut, but TI keeps standing and whips Dante hard into the ring post.

(Referee: One!)

Tex: Dante took one hell of a shot off that post there. We know how tough the champ can be, but if Titanium Insomniac can get the advantage and keep the pressure up, there's only so long he can last.

(Referee: Two!)

Cain: TI has the height and weight advantage. He's bigger, he's more experienced. He hits harder than Dante and we know just how tough the Sleepless One is.

(Referee: Three!)

Tex: I wouldn't bet against him.

TI picks Dante up and executes a big atomic drop that sends the World Champion staggering to his knees.

(Referee: Four!)

The Bleeder Champion rolls into the ring to break the count at 5 and then smashes Dante's head into the announce table.

Tex: I...uh...I think we should get out of here...

The announcers begin to stand up, moving out of the way of the two brawling men, particularly Dante who is now sprawled on the table, his eyes seemingly glazed over.

Cain: Dante could be in trouble here...

(Referee: One!)

TI goes up to the apron and raises his fist menacingly.

Tex: TI looking for the fist-drop I think.

The Sleepless One comes off the apron with the aforementioned fist drop, but Dante moves at the last second, and TI eats table.

(Referee: Two!)

Banter: He moved!

Tex: I thought Dante was out of it, but he has his wits about him still! And now the World's Heavyweight Champion is fighting back!

(Referee: Three!)

Dante delivers a series of brutal chops to TI's chest as he sprawls against the announce table and then rakes the eyes.

Realising he's being counted out, and not wanting a repeat of the result of his match against Highone, Dante rolls into the ring to break the count at 4.

Cain: Smart move from Dante. No one wants to see this one end in a double-countout.
Dante clotheslines TI onto the announce table, sending him right over. The announcers now scatter out of the way as Dante climbs up onto the table and comes off with a double-axehandle, driving TI down to the concrete floor as he connects.

(Referee: One!)

Dante walks TI back to the ring and rolls him onto the apron. He drives an elbow into his opponents face and then climbs up onto the apron. Drops a leg across TI's neck from a standing position, causing the Bleeder Champion to writhe in pain. Dante rolls into the ring, pulling TI by the leg into the centre and snaps on a figure four!

Tex: And now the champion taking a leaf from TI's book maybe! This is one of his signatures!

Cain: Dante has the hold locked in - just how long can TI last?

TI resists, reaching for the ropes, but he can't make it. He struggles, refusing to tap out and slumps down with his shoulders against the mat. The official starts counting...



And TI throws himself up, stopping the pin.

Tex: TI needs to be careful, he could let his guard down for just a second in this hold and that would be it!

The Insomniac continues to resist the hold as Dante grits his teeth and increases the pressure. Slowly but surely, TI begins to turn it, gradually forcing Dante over and finally fully reversing the move! Dante has no option but to break it.

TI staggers up, his legs are clearly hurt. Dante supports himself with the ropes. The Bleeder Champion comes at him, but Dante nails a dropkick and goes for a pin...


And TI kicks right out.

Tex: This is intense. Neither man is willing to go easy, even for a split second in case they lose their advantage.

Cain: You're awfully quiet, Banter...

Banter: Uh...I guess it's just not that kind of match...

Tex: Indeed it's not.

Dante picks TI up, but the big man gets a jawbreaker, sending Dante staggering. TI is up to his feet, and floors Dante with an elbow as he comes at him. TI attempts a boston crab, but he can't turn Dante over and the champ rolls out of it, spinning TI onto his back. Dante grabs TI's leg and snaps on a side-leglock.

Tex: And Dante has the advantage again! TI's legs are already weakened - how long can the Bleeder Champion hold on?

TI struggles for the ropes, finally reaching them. The referee starts to count...





And Dante finally releases with a grimace. Sweat pours off his pale body as he clambers to his feet and tries to catch his breath.

The Insomniac rakes Dante's eyes as he comes after him. He looks for a suplex, but Dante slides off over the ropes and lands on the apron. Dante tries to get a sleeper form the outside, but TI heaves him back over into the ring and drops a knee on his temple.

Cain: TI is not interested in mercy. With so much to lose and gain, I think these two will fight until they're simply no longer able.

Tex: And that's what may happen. This match has a 30 minute time limit - we've already seen one match this evening go to a draw, I wonder just how long these men can fight?

Cain: Don't put anything past them...

Titanium Insomniac covers...



And Dante rolls his shoulder up.

TI starts to take control with a chinlock, but Dante fights his way out. TI cuts him off with a right hand and whips him off the ropes. He gets an inverted atomic drop on the way back and then grabs Dante around the throat from behind...

Tex: Sweet Irony! Sweet Irony! Titanium Insomniac has locked on his signature hold!

Cain: And now it really is just a matter of time...

Tex: Can Dante resist this? We know that the champion has a will of iron - we've seen that time and time again; against Darkness, against Highone, against Supreme, but can he survive against the Sweet Irony?

Dante tries to fight out. He won't give up and shakes his head as best he can to demonstrate it. He struggles slowly towards the ropes, but can't reach, his fingertips a food six inches away. The two men are near the corner and Dante tries to drag himself and TI towards it, reaching out towards the turnbuckle in vain.

Cain: Dante is too far away - there's no way he's going to break the hold this way.

Dante knows it too and reaches once more for the ropes before letting his arm drop. Suddenly, he throws his body towards the corner, reaching it with his legs and then pushing back, throwing both men down onto the canvas.

Tex: Great counter, but TI has not released the hold! He still has it locked in!

Dante is on his knees on the mat now, refusing to give up. He keeps one finger up to show he's still conscious. The crowd are rabid for Dante to break out, but he has nowhere to go.

Banter: He needs to tap - he's kidding himself if he thinks he can go on much longer.

Tex: I'd have to agree with you, Banter. I've become a huge fan of Jason Dante and the man he's become since he won the World Championships, but if he knows what's good for him he'll submit here. He could be risking brain damage, for God's sake!

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, Dante begins to get back to his feet as the chants of the fans intensify. TI is still not releasing and finally, while the referee is looking him in the eyes, Dante kicks back with his foot, catching TI with a low blow and the hold is broken. The fans explode as the TI collapses back onto the mat.

Banter: He cheated!

Tex: He did, there's no disputing that. We know that Dante has been through a lot over the last few months, that many people backstage are calling him a changed man, but a leopard can't change his spots - Jason Dante will always have that edge, I think.

Cain: And the fans sure don't care!

Dante falls to his knees. The Italian fans are cheering rabidly for him, but he is clearly exhausted. TI looks hurt too, but he slowly climbs to his feet, his teeth gritted in pain.

The albino gradually picks himself up and turns around to face TI who suddenly gets a small package out of nowhere!

Tex: Inside cradle! TI has Dante in a pinning predicament!



Thre...and Dante shifts his weight, reversing the small package so that TI has his shoulders to the mat!

Cain: Reversal! Reversal!




The arena erupts in cheers as Dante rolls out of the pin and immediately collapses to the mat.

Tex: He did it! By God, Jason Dante just pinned the Titanium Insomniac - he had to bend the rules a little to do it, but there it is!

TI leans against the ropes, a look of disgust on his face. He shakes his head and then charges towards Dante, stomping the prone champion viciously.

Cain: Hey, what gives?!

TI is assaulting Dante, stomping him brutally and refusing to let him get up and defend himself. A loud, negative reaction from the fans suddenly makes it clear that reinforcements have arrived as the remainder of Infinity appear on the ramp and rush the ring.

Tex: What the hell is this? Dante is on his own and the whole of Infinity are here to gang up on him?

Banter: Where's the NHFC anyway?

Tex: Well I...

Banter: Admit it - Acolyte is injured, Darkness is a spent force and has barely been seen in the last month. The NHFC is dead in the water. You know it, I know it, and everyone here and watching at home knows it.

In the ring, the attack continues with Dante in the corner, desperately trying to fight back, but he has no chance against six men. Hardy and DeSean haul Dante to his feet as both HighOne and Hammer takes a run up and then sandwich Dante between a double clothesline, causing him to slump down in the arms of his aggressors.

Crowd: Darkness! Darkness! Darkness!

Titanium Insomniac is hanging back, not only because of the gruelling match he's just had, but also clearly for some other reason. His eyes occasionally flick to the entrance ramp.

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

Infinity dump Dante in a heap and fan out in the ring as the NHFC's music starts to play.

Can you keep them in the dark for life
Can you hide them from the waiting world
Oh mother...</i>

Titanium Insomniac steps to the fore of the group. He gestures to Shadow, who hands him his cane that he brought with him to the ring.

Gonna take you daughter out tonight
Gonna show her my world...</i>

The crowd reaches fever pitch...

<i>Oh father...</i>

Pyros flash from the ringposts suddenly, stunning Infinity as, from the crowd, Darkness and Acolyte both leap over the barriers and storm the ring.

Tex: There they are! A surprise attack!

Darkness and Acolyte take the fight to Infinity, nailing punches and kicks, but Hammer comes from nowhere and floors Aco with a punch. Darkness is fighting against superior numbers, but the former champion looks physically ill as he becomes surrounded.

Cain: What's up with Darkness?

Banter: Is he scared?

Tex: I don't think that's it...

As Infinity close in, Darkness seems to stop fighting, merely raising his hands to defend himself, but his preternatural agility seems to have been nullified somehow, and he is unable to stop the blows raining down on him.

Cain: It's six on three - the NHFC have no chance!

Tex: More like six on one; Dante is in no condition to defend himself and Darkness is fighting like a blind man for some reason. Acolyte looks like he's recovered, but what can he do against all six members of Infinity?

Acolyte desperately fights against Hammer and DeSean, but he's soon overwhelmed as Highone joins the fray and the two of him throw him over the top rope to land hard on the outside.

Titanium Insomniac is still holding back, but moves in as Shadow and Hardy part and allow him to look Darkness in the eye. The Man Who Walks Alone looks nauseated as Infinity wave their distinctive sovereign rings at him. TI smiles and charges at Darkness with his cane, driving it into his forehead and busting him wide open.

Tex: This is hard to watch. Infinity are dismantling the NHFC here - this is a calculated ambush.

TI picks Darkness up by the hair and throws him out of the ring to land near Acolyte, who is now recovering and helps his wounded stablemate to his feet. In the ring, Hammer calls for Dante to be dragged to his feet and then just grins as HighOne takes Dante down again with the Tiger K.O., clearly knocking the World Champion out cold. Finally, he too is thrown unceremoniously from the ring into the arms of the NHFC, who kneel, defeated on the outside.

Tex: Dante won the match tonight, but the New Hellfire Club have been neutralised here. If they want to be a threat to Infinity, they're going to need to fight harder...or find some friends...

"Renegade" begins to play as, in the ring, Infinity raise their arms and throw crotch chops to the booing fans, who being to litter the ring with trash.


After his victory earlier in the night Professor Evil is feeling pretty good... well he's feeling pretty EVIL~! of course but in that good way only bad guys can feel good you know? Right now he's mingling with the crowd just because he can and well because he can pick people's pockets.

"An autograph? You mean an EVIL~! Autograph" Professor Evil says when a fan approaches him with a pen and a piece of paper.

"Yeah man! You're like the shit"

Professor Evil stops for a moment, did the kid just say he was shit? No wait "the shit" that was good right? The professor looks at the fan - ugly, overweight, greasy hair with a World of Warcraft shirt on, not exactly his choice in fan.

If he had his way they'd all be busy blondes in wet t-shirts, not fat guys with male boobs.

"Ah what the hell" Professor Evil says and then takes the pen and paper to sign.

"Awesome man! I loved you in the Austin Powers movies"

Professor Evil stops mid scribble, then he shakes his head - he did NOT just hear that - and finishes writing the autograph.

"Here you go" He says and walks off while whistling the Imperial March.

He's only gotten about 20 feet or so away when he hears the geek yell out

"HEY!! This says George W. Bush!!"

And then moments later

"Dude you stole my pen"

Professor Evil turns the camera, points to himself and then exclaims


Fade out as Professor Evil goes in search of other fans to torture.

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:01 am
Ticket Taker on the Darkside Express
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Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 4782
Location: Whever a bad pun can be made
We see Frankie Hayes and James Hawk backstage, freshly out the shower (they're decent already no chance of a freak "Regal Weiner" incident there) after defending the tag-team titles earlier in the night... and getting their asses kicked by Infinity, let's not forget that.

"Man hitting him with the Lariat almost dislocated my shoulder, I'm getting old man" Hawk says as he rubs his right shoulder.

"Getting? Lord almighty I've been saying that for years" Frankie replies with a grin before zipping his pants up.

"You're only as old as you act" a voice says off screen.

"That'll make you 10 Frankie?" Hawk replies thinking it was his tag-team partner.

"That wasn't me James" Frankie says and motions to his right.

The camera pans over and there is Bruce who seems to be doing the rounds with more or less everyone tonight - such work ethic, such dedication.

Hawk looks at him for a moment, then he snaps his finger.

"You're Bruce-42 right? You used to be part of Futurama right?" Hawk says.

"Well I used to be 42, now I'm just Bruce" the new Enforcer says "And yes I tagged with Metal Jesus for a while."

Hawk gives Frankie a little nod of approval, apparently being part of Futurama gave him instant cred with the tag-team champions.

"Oh yeah I remember now, didn't they get invited to the Real World Tag League in 03?" Frankie says.

"We did... but erm... well" Bruce says and then stops.

"What happened?"

"To be honest we broke up, I kinda... sorta... you know turned on him and beat him up" Bruce admits with a sheepish grin.

"Don't you get any ideas" Hawk admonishes his younger tag-team partner with a wink in his eye.

"Futurama, The SOBs, and the Darkside Express - you're a regular tag-team specialist" Hawk says revealing that he's obviously studied up on both 411Fed and ECF history before joining.

"I had my moments" Bruce says in a rare moment of humility "Nothing like you guys though, it's awesome to have you here" Bruce says and offers Hawk his hand.

"Our pleasure man" Hawk says and gives Bruce's hand a good firm handshake.

"Can I ask you a question?" Frankie asks as he shakes Bruce's hand.


"Has it always been this weird here?" Frankie asks.

"Weird? How so?"

"Well like Dante and Darkness and their demon stuff?" Frankie says.

"I'm still not seeing the weird here" Bruce says totally clueless to what Frankie is talking about.

"Frankie... " Hawk says to get his partner's attention. Once Frankie looks at him Hawk then says "Ask him what he is"

Frankie wrinkles his nose, that's an odd question but well his tag-team partner knows best he supposes.

"So Bruce... what are you?" Frankie reluctantly asks.

"I'm glad you asked. See I'm a former time travelling cop gone rogue, only now I'm being punished by my crimes by being restricted to this timeline" Bruce says like it's the most logical thing in the world.


The look on Frankie's face is priceless and Hawk almost hurts himself from trying to not laugh.

"Now you boys will be happy to know that I've come up with something that SHOULD help out the competition in the tag division" Bruce says.

"Excellent, frankly it's a little thin... no offence meant" Hawk says

"None taken. Besides that'll change soon. In TCW we've had a long standing rule that there cannot be a double title holder, you had to give up one title if you won another one." Bruce explains.

"Right" Hawk replies not sure where Bruce is going with this.

"Well I'm changing that rule slightly. Until now you couldn't hold a singles title and challenge for the tag-team titles at the same time, or indeed vice-versa. Well effective immediately the rule is changed so that you cannot hold two SINGLES titles at the same time but you can hold a singles title and the tag titles."

"Interesting Bruce, but frankly neither of us have given any thought about going after singles gold. This will do us fine" Hawk says and taps the tag-team title on the table.

Frankie looks like he's about to disagree with his partner about the singles title aspirations but before he can speak up Bruce cuts in.

"It's mainly done to get more challengers for the tag-team titles, imagine it: the Bleeder champion finds a partner and challengers you guys, be a hell of a battle. Or the Transcontinental champion perhaps." Bruce says with a grin

"The RoXorZ" Hawk says in an unfriendly tone.

"That's the ones, more options mean more action." Bruce points out.

"I'm all for more action" Frankie says with a grin.

"I'm all for more challengers and competition" Hawk adds.

"Oh you'll get plenty of challengers and competition, I'll make sure of it" Bruce says in an ominous tone before leaving the locker room once more. Once Bruce is gone Frankie bursts out laughing, in fact he laughs so hard he starts to cry.

"A time travelling cop" He says between fits of laughter "That's funny man!"

Hawk doesn't comment.

"And I thought Darkness was deluded, what about this guy?"

And with that we go back to the ring.

Mutaaz "the Hammer" Tareef vs. HighOne

Sammy Eubanks: "Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is the MAIN EVENT of the evening and it is to determine who gets a shot at the World Heavyweight champion at Stranglehold"

All the lights go out in the arena in anticipation of the introduction of the first participant.

"Renegade, never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day. Cause I'm a renegade, never been afraid to talk about anything..."

...the sound of a record scratch...

"Fuck with your soul like ether,
Teach you the King, you know you,
"God's son" across the belly,
Lose? I prove you lost already..."

A spotlight shines on the top of the entrance ramp where the Infinity Captain is paused looking both left and right with a confident grin on his face. Afeter a few seconds a hoodie-wearing Nas steps out with a microphone in hand, kicking one of his most notorious tracks, "Ether". The legendary rapper and Transcontinental champion touch fists and then start walking down to the ring.

"Brace yourself for the main event,
Y'all impatiently waitin,
It's like an aids test, what's the results?
Not positive, who's the best? Nas, Pac, and BIG,
Ain't no best, east, west, north, south, flossed out, greedy,
I embrace y'all with napalm,
Blows up, no guts, left chest, face gone
How could Infinity be garbage?
Semi-autos at your cartilege
Burner at the side of your dome, come outta my throne
I got this, locked since '0-1
I am the truest, name a fedder that I ain't influenced?
Gave y'all chapters but now I keep my eyes on the Judas
With Michael Joyeux fame, kept my name in his feudin...
Check it.."

The Infinity captain does not acknowledge the fans, shrugging off any pats on the back they try to offer as he heads to the ring, usually he´s a picture of calmness but tonight there is somethign else about him, maybe because he´s facing a fellow Infinity member and there HAS to be a winner.

"Yo pass me the weed, pour my ashes out on these D&D fiends,
Ay, y'all losers, y'all kneel and kiss the fuckin ring.
I've been fucked over, left for dead, dissed and fogotten,
Luck ran out, they hoped that I'd be gone, stiff and rotten,
Y'all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave,
Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my face,
Y'all some "well wishers," friendly actin, envy hidin snakes.
With your hands out for my money, man, how much can I take?
When these streets keep callin, heard it when I was asleep,
That this second-coming and soon to be going faction wanted beef,
Started cockin up my weapon, slowly loadin up this ammo,
To explode it on an albino, and his soldiers, I can handle."

Highone pauses in front of the ring-steps, then slowly walks up them and climbs between the ropes. Once in the center of the ring, he holds his right fist up in the air, gold Infinity ring shining, and bows his head. The spotlight glistens off of his TC title and Nas' platinum chain as the two show off their respective "bling-bling"

"Y'all deal with emotions like bitches,
What's sad is I love you 'cause you're my brother,
You traded your soul for riches,
My child, I've watched you grow up to be famous,
And now I smile like a proud dad, watchin his only son that made it.
You seem to be only concerned with dissin women,
Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?
Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me
Or make posts to disrespect me, blatent or indirectly
In '88 you was gettin chased through your buildin,
Callin my crib and I ain't even give you my numbers.
All I did was gave you a style for you to run with.
Smilin in my face, glad to break bread with the God,
Wearin jazz chains, no cash, no cars.
You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan.
I still whip your ass, you thirty-somethin in a Karate class
You Tae-Bo ho, tryna' work it out, you tryna' get brolic?
Ask me if i'm tryna' kick knowledge?
Nah, i'm tryna' kick the shit you need to learn though.
That ether, that shit that make your soul burn slow
Is he Dame Diddy, Dame Daddy or Dame Dummy?
Oh, I get it, you Biggie and he's Puffy.
The Hellfire club already died, that was the end of its chapter,
And that's the group y'all chose to name your faction after?
Put it together, I rock girls, y'all rock fellas,
And now y'all try to take my spot, fellas?
Philly's hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot, fellas
In a pine box with nine shots from my glock, fellas
Selenia got you hot 'cause you kept your face in her puss
What you think, you gettin girls now 'cause of your looks?
Al-bino please!
You no mustache havin, with whiskers like a rat
Compared to a jobber you whack..."

"Fuck with your soul like ether,
Teach you the King, you know you,
"God's son" across the belly,
Lose? I prove you lost already..."

The music begins to fade into the buzzing of the audience as Nas exits the ring as HighOne turns around and faces the entrance way.

TT: "This should be a hell of a match, neither of them have ever faced off as far as I know"

BS: "it's a travesty!! They're making them fight even thought they are in the same group! That's not right"

IC: "Add to that the fact that the new TCW Enforcer Bruce has dictated that there cannot be a draw"

BS: "Another travesty!"

Ghetto Grass walks out carrying a velvet throne on their shoulders to music from that legendary group Wham (you all know the song don't make me name it) Then the lights go out and the music is replaced by some creepy Arabian music. A single spotlight shines on Mutaaz "The Hammer" Tareef as he lowers from the top of the building down onto the throne while looking at the heavens the whole time.

TT: "This has to be one of the most unique entrances in wrestling"

BS: "That's the best you've got? The Hammer is coming to the ring and that's how you hype him? What is wrong with you two? I mean neither of you go on and on about Trancontinental titles and tag titles and all the other titles these two have won but just go "Oh nice entrance""

TT: "Well I personally don't like Infinity and I'm invoking my right to be biased"

BS: "Biased? that's not how you do the job! You call it down the middle"

IC: "The irony of you making that statement just blows my mind"

The Hammer waves to the crowd briefly and then Ghetto Grass carries the throne down to the ring as "Hate Me Now" by Nas w/Puff Daddy plays over the loudspeakers. Hammer steps off of the throne onto the ring apron and waits for Alexxx to open the ropes for him so that he can enter the ring. Once he's inside the ring he instructs Ghetto Grass to leave the ringside area, presumably in the hopes of a clean fight.

TT: "Alright this is IT!!"


Hammer and HighOne stand there face to face, jawing with each other about something as they both get psyched up. Then just as theyøre about to attack each other the rest of Infinity comes through the curtains as Titanium Insomniac leads David Hardy, Shadow and DeSean Blackwell down to ringside to watch as two of their members are set to fight.

IC: "Feel the tension, Infinity might explode right here tonight!"

TT: "If things get out of hand it may just spell the end of them"

BS: "Yeah you wish!"

HighOne and Hammer argue as the anticipation and excitement grows, then suddenly and without provocation Hammer raises his hand and POKES HIGHONE IN THE CHEST!!


HighOne immediately drops like a ton of bricks and Hammer is quick to cover him.

TT: "What the hell?"


IC: "Oh don't tell me..."


BS: "What a hard fought match!!"




Sammy Eubanks: "The winner of the match... The Hammer?"

TT: "It was a set-up all along!! Look at them they're all in there celebrating!!"

The rest of Infinity has joined Hammer and HighOne in the ring as the group celebrates putting one over on everyone, especially on the New Hellfire Club and Bruce as well

IC: "This isn't what Bruce intended"

BS: "Maybe not but they followed his instructions to the letter, he can't do a damn thing about it"

TT: "So it's Hammer vs Dante in the Cell? Oh boy that's going to be absolutely BRUTAL!!"

The last image seen before Havoc going off the air is a smiling HighOne raising the Hammer's hand in the air in "victory"

TCW Havoc 2006 ©
What the world is reading

This show would not have been possible without the contribution of:
Titanium Insomniac

And everyone who feud in TCW - you're the reason we are here.

Don't think of me as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, think of me as a man walking a line - push me and I drop on YOU MUA HA HA HA HA :evil:

Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:02 am
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